What does it mean on Skype: Last Seen, Online, Away

Today we are going to see what it means on Skype: last seen, online, absent . These are the Skype statuses and they can be configured manually or when the app considers that they should be modified according to your activity. This incredible application is undoubtedly one of the best to shorten distances between people, what are you waiting to try it?

What does it mean on Skype: Last Seen, Online, Away

Skype statuses are useful to know if a contact is busy, absent or active to know exactly when is the ideal time to talk to them about something.

Likewise, all or almost all of these states can be configured manually and will remain that way until you decide to modify them. They work in a very similar way to other applications and a little further down we will try to explain what each of the states of this app means and also in which situations they change automatically.

It is something extremely simple and easy to understand. We will go into detail about each state that is available in the app. A little further down we are going to teach you in a small tutorial how to change Skype statuses quickly so that you can modify them when you think necessary depending on the situation you find yourself in.

What each Skype status means

Active : It means that you are online and they can write to you. When you are on your computer and you are using it, even if Skype stays in the background, the active status will appear. In the case of a mobile device, it must be in use for this status to appear.

Recently active : This is for when you stopped using the app a short time ago. After being active for about 4 minutes, the app changes your status to recently active.

Absent : This means that an hour or more ago you stopped using the application. The absent appears after stopping using the app for a long time. You can also configure this state whenever you want. Even while using the app.

Busy : Used to keep the app open but not receive notifications or sounds when a message is sent to you. It is ideal to keep it open just in case, but without anyone bothering you. This state must be configured manually.

What are the Skype statuses and what do they mean

Invisible : Basically it is so that nobody knows that you are connected in any way. You don’t appear online, but you can keep talking and receiving messages, even calls. This is when the “Last Seen” appears as this is the last time your status was active or busy. It can be configured whenever you want.

Offline : When you were not logged into Skype in any way. Here the “Last Seen” will be shown to your users when you were active or busy in your status. This status appears when you decide to log out or the application.

It is not very difficult to understand what it means in Skype: Last Seen, Online, Away and the rest of Skype statuses . Most are fairly intuitive and mean exactly what each word says.

You can configure Skype statuses whenever you want. How can you do it?

  • Open the app.
  • Click on your profile picture and you will see a drop down menu.
  • In this menu you will see all the available statuses. Press on the one you want, you can change status as many times as you want.

If you want to do this from your mobile device it is practically the same.

  • Open the Skype app .
  • Click on the profile photo.
  • Then you will see several options, one of them says “Online” is the first and would be the same as “Active”.
  • If you click on it you will see all the statuses that you have available to apply.

Remember that if you have any questions about Skype statuses you can leave them a little further down in the comment box.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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