What does close range weapon damage mean on Outriders?

Let me start by saying that I have been playing Outriders nonstop since its official release. It’s definitely my favorite game right now, and it comes from a person who has thousands of hours on games like Destiny 2, Warframe, the Borderlands series, etc. Do you have a Looter-Shooter? Throw me down and I’ll play it to oblivion.

The same goes for the Outriders. I’ve already sunk into 62 hours of play, and I’m just going to play more. There are sure to be a lot of gambling problems right now. But since it didn’t affect me much, I’m not sure if I’m eligible to comment on that topic at this time.

Let’s not stray from the main topic now. You are here to learn about “close range weapon damage”, and that is exactly what you will come to know.

What is close range weapon damage?

I think the term itself is self explanatory. It is the damage you deal with your weapons when you are very close to your enemies. Now this may sound simple, but it is not. So far, I’ve seen a lot of people asking about this, and most of them are confused about how it actually works.

When the Outriders first appeared, people thought that “close range weapon damage” is something you can only achieve by using “close range” weapons like shotguns and submachine guns. But after a while it became quite clear that it can be achieved with any type of weapon. You just have to be at a certain distance from your enemy. 10 meters to be precise. Well at least that’s what the game says.

You can check this information by simply going to your Inventory and then pressing Shift or whatever your Statistics button is. The “Player Statistics” window should appear. Put your mouse pointer on WEAPON DAMAGE CLOSE RANGE, and you should get the full information.

Now, you might ask a lot: “How far or how long is 10 meters in Outriders?” Which means how close a player must be to their enemies to get the short range weapon damage boost in Outriders. As I am a main Trickster, most of the time I rush enemies towards their faces with my weapons or teleport behind them using my Hunt The Prey ability. So if I find this important I’m sure many other Trickster networks will find it important too.

It is very difficult to say how far exactly 10 meters are in Outriders. But I have made a video that should give you a clear idea.

You should see mainly two damage numbers in the video. The first is 2932 and the second is 4104. 2932 is when I’m not in “Close Range”, and the damage number 4104 is when I’m in “Close Range” for my enemy. As a result, I get that sweet damage boost with short range weapons. Also, before making the video, I made sure that I didn’t have any benefit that could influence the damage.

As you can see, you have to be pretty close to your enemies to get the boost. Although it is not a big problem in front of the small enemies, the elites and the bosses are the main problem here. Most of them would probably take you to another dimension. Therefore, you must make sure that you have your healing on point. Otherwise, you will find yourself mopping the floor quite frequently, begging for a revival from your teammates. Just add a little Weapon Leech to your build, and you should be good.

There you go! I’m sure any question you had about “Close range weapon damage” has already been answered. Otherwise, feel free to post your question in the comment box below. I’ll be sure to answer them all. Happy game!

If you think this guide has helped you, please let us know in the comment section below. Also, check out the other guides on Outriders . Who knows, you might end up finding something useful.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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