How does smoking damage the lungs

How does smoking damage the lungs.Cigarette smokers also have greater morbidity than nonsmokers. Current smokers have more acute and chronic illness as well as more restricted activity days, more bed disability days, and more school and work absenteeism than former smokers or those who never smoked.Tobacco smoke contains   more than 4000 chemical compounds, of which more than 40 are especially dangerous, as they cause cancer, as well as several hundred poisons: nicotine, benzopyrene, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, etc. … Cigarette smoke contains radioactive substances: polonium, lead, bismuth. Nicotine in its toxicity is equal to hydrocyanic acid.

Reduction of oxygen in the body occurs due to lung damage triggered by smoking. Smoking also triggers the production of phlegm that increases and thickens. Excess phlegm that appears can not be completely cleared by the lungs.cough and irritation. Lung tissue is damaged by smoking and reduces blood vessels and space in the lungs.Eventually, the phlegm builds up and blocks your breathing and makes you cough. Excess phlegm increases the risk of infection and lowers the immune system in the lungs which is the cause of lung infections.Not only that, smoking contributes to the cause of lung infections by slowing down the work of cilia and reducing the number of cilia in the lungs. Cilia are broom-like hairs that aim to clean the lungs.Not only that, smoking contributes to the cause of lung infections by slowing down the work of cilia and reducing the number of cilia in the lungs. Cilia are broom-like hairs that aim to clean the lungs.

Symptoms of lung infection

If you experience the above symptoms, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.very high risk of lung infection . Lung infections are not only characterized by coughing up phlegm , but also shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, phlegm that thickens, changes color, and has an unpleasant odor.If you experience the above symptoms, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

Can the damage caused by smoking be treated?

Lung damage from smoking cannot be treated. However, quitting smoking can eliminate the causes of lung infections that can worsen lung health. Avoiding secondhand smoke also contributes to reducing the risk of lung infections.  

4 Most Vulnerable Lung Problems of Active Smokers/How does smoking damage the lungs

The following is a review of various lung diseases that are commonly experienced by smokers.

1. Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is part of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease indicates inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes (the tubes that carry air to and from the lungs).

The inflammation causes the mucus to become too sticky and eventually blocks the flow of air into and out of the lungs.

Gradually, the airflow gets worse and makes breathing difficult.

2. Emphysema

In addition to bronchitis, the lungs of active smokers can also be affected by emphysema disease . This disease indicates that the alveoli (air sacs in the lungs) are damaged, weakened, and eventually ruptured.

This condition reduces the surface area of ​​the lungs and the amount of oxygen that can reach the bloodstream.

People with emphysema tend to have difficulty breathing when doing strenuous activities or exercising because the lungs lose flexibility.

3. Lung cancer

Another problem that is no less serious and very vulnerable to attack the lungs of active smokers is lung cancer .

Chemicals in cigarettes that enter the body most likely stimulate the growth of cells in the lungs so that they are not normal.

If you already have bronchitis or emphysema, your risk of developing lung cancer is higher.

4. Pneumonia

Pneumonia indicates an infection in the air sacs in the lungs, whether it’s due to bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

However, if you are an active smoker, this habit can lower the immune system to fight the pathogens that cause pneumonia.

Being a smoker makes you more likely to get pneumonia if you also have COPD, such as bronchitis or emphysema.


by Abdullah Sam
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