What are the organizational structure in companies?

Leadership has a variety of branches, from social to business administration . And it is that today we will talk about, What are the types and roles of leadership and organizational structure in companies. In this area of ​​leadership, a professional facet is taken care of, because a leader is important in all aspects, they help to mark the way forward, and they give order to the project , respecting the hierarchy of a company.

On the other hand, through the organization and the organizational structure authority and responsibility are established , which consequently brings good direction, control of plans and fulfillment of established goals. Next, we will break down the types of leadership, the types of organization and their role.

Types of organizational structure

Before delving into the types of organizational structure , we must know what it is. Organizational structure is known, to the forms that one has to organize internally and administratively a company , it also includes the delegation of work depending on the structure. We can also say that it is the way in which he plans the work and distributes responsibilities.

It is based on the principle of specialization and departmentalization , building branches and work teams for specific tasks, such as human resources, purchasing department, sales department. This to mention some of these types of departments. When we talk about types of organizational structure, we have the linear, functional, staff and matrix. Which we will discuss in more detail.


It is a structure that privileges speed and simple and clear accounting. Its main organizing principle is hierarchy, where authority is exercised directly by the boss over his subordinates. It is a model for which companies with little production and little human capital prefer to opt, such as small ones.


It organizes highly specialized units, which have a different boss who coordinates their work team. It is popular in high-staff companies for its flexibility.

Of staff

Minimalist model that requires a fluidity of capital, is based on external contracting, for which a fluid capital is required.


Its base is the independent work teams , each one with a project, which has different workers directed by a coordinator, who is accountable to the main part of the company. It is the most dispersed and convenient structure for transnational companies .

Ti pursuit of leadership organizes tional

Leadership is defined as an influence that is exerted on a group of people , allowing them to work towards a common goal. This works is exercised by a person who stands out from the rest, capable of making the right decisions. In the organizational and business aspect, which we will talk about today. Because a good organizational leader will be in charge of fulfilling their responsibilities , ensuring that their work team does as well.

There are several types of organizational leadership, each of these types depend on different criteria that are applied , we will explain some of them, such as charismatic leadership, autocratic leadership and democratic leadership .

Charismatic leadership

It is the most found in current companies and one of the most recognized within companies, this due to it generates positive feelings within the work team . Everything revolves around that leader, which is why it even leads to think that, if that leader leaves, the structure will collapse.

Democratic leadership

Democratic or participatory leadership is one where all members of a work group contribute to decision-making , this type of leadership generates inclusion in subordinates, teamwork is encouraged and loyalty to the company is created by part of the workers.

Autocratic leadership

It is a leadership style where all decisions fall on the leader , and the decisions of subordinates are not taken into account. It is a style that companies use when they want to increase productivity, because under this leadership delivery times are met and the proposed objectives are achieved. The disadvantage is the low satisfaction on the part of the workers and the lack of innovation due to not having new points of view.

by Abdullah Sam
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