What are the best ways to double my investment capital?

When we make an investment we hope that at some point we can receive retribution, both in the short and long, however many do not know how to achieve it. Later, we will explain details of how to make the capital of your projects or assets return to you doubled in profits.

What are the best ways to double my investment capital?

In general, when a business is started we are aware that it does not produce such immediate profitability , since production occurs between some processes. However, one of the main objectives of a company is to generate profits, in the short and long term, but some do not know how to double their capital.

Naturally, those who invest try by all possible means to avoid losses, on the contrary, they want to recover their initial investment , and at the same time have extra profits. This profitability will allow in the future, that the company can be reinvested and maintained in a sustainable model, thanks to using forms of investment.

The rule of 72

This rule is based on a formula to measure how over time an investment can double and charge value. How is the calculation done? In the following way, divide 72 by the interest rate of the investment fee. The interesting thing about this rule is that after you invest, you just have to wait for the interest that is generated to act on the acquired asset.

Forms of investment that will double your capital

So that you don’t miss out on the opportunity, the Stash app will help you invest more with the help of their tool read the full review of the Stash app to make a good investment that will double your capital, here are some reliable methods. Of course, all investments have their own risks, reasons why some entrepreneurs or investors are afraid to implement them in their businesses

  • Invest in Real Estate:  The rule of 72 can be applied, in this type of investment, it takes the number of years of the investment based on the basis.
  • Investment in goods by initial fee: This investment system consists of obtaining a property by giving an initial one , and giving it as income. The reason is that this gives the possibility that the income produced by the property allows the payment of the same and obtain the property.
  • Investment of real estate funds: By means of a small sum of money an investment is made in construction of real estate or properties. It must be verified that the funds are protected by the competent entities in charge of complying with the service.
  • Total investment in a property : Although it requires a higher fund, the profitability of this investment is more immediate and free of mortgage. And using insurance policies, to protect the possible insolvencies that occur in the course of the economic growth of the property.
  • Investment funds : By means of a managing administrative staff, transactions are made, based on the provision of a patrimony of savers. Much depends on the sector to which the funds belong, the country where they are made, the level of risk and the alternatives available.
  • Actions : Although the level of risk can be high, it is also very profitable, if they are made with movements up or down. It must take into account the assets, liabilities, debt level, the financial reputation of the company, as well as its annual or monthly performance.
  • Corporate bonds. They are bonds with a fixed yield , their investment is usually low as is their level of risk.
  • Investment in the real sector : Contains a high level of risk, because the management comes from new entrepreneurs in the market. However, the investment does not necessarily have to be high, and with good management it could be very profitable.
  • Government bonds : In general, there are countries that provide bonds to acquire convenience resources, their interest rate and risk depend on the consignor.
  • Mortgage loans : Each entity, under a regulation guarantees that if one person wishes, they can lend to another under the support of a mortgage.

It is understandable that there is some fear in investing, but with these resources they are usually interesting, when the necessary provisions are taken . With the right advice, you can analyze which one you can start an investment with, to double your profits in the near future.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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