How to double shots in Mario Golf Super Rush

Spinning your shot is a great way to gain extra distance on a shot or prevent your ball from rolling onto the green, but it won’t do you much good if you have to hit your ball around a tree first. This is where curvature comes in. Here is everything you need to know about how to double shots in Mario Golf Super Rush .

How to double shots in Mario Golf Super Rush

Doubling your shot is exactly what it sounds like. Hit the ball in a way that spins it left, right, up, or down instead of following its normal straight path. You can even combine multiple directions, like left and up, to change your shot even more. But before we go too far, let’s take a look at the inputs for the curvy shots.

Curved shots left or right

Once you’ve set your power on a shot with A or B, you can use the left stick to adjust the curve of your shot. Just make sure the curve is set before the line reaches the top of where you set your shooting power.

Folding the planes horizontally is pretty easy. Move the stick to the left to double your shot to the left or move it to the right to make the ball move in that direction.

You can also make the shot curve more dramatic by moving the stick several times in the same direction. Make sure you know what you are doing before trying this or your ball will drift out of your way.

Curved strokes up or down

Unsurprisingly, upward curvature strikes are performed by moving the left stick upward and downward strikes are performed by moving the neck downward. However, unlike horizontal curves, shots with curves up or down will have a big impact on the distance the ball travels.

Folding the ball down will send it down a lower trajectory that will roll much faster and farther than a normal shot. Folding the ball up will help you jump over large obstacles, but it will also significantly reduce the distance and speed of your shot.

You can also combine horizontal directions with up or down to make a side throw curve while navigating over or under an obstacle. Just move your stick in a horizontal direction to combine two types of curves.

by Abdullah Sam
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