Weapons that should NOT be used in CS: GO

Everyone knows your black dealings with two Berettas, but it’s time to let go of the past.

It is impossible to achieve perfect game balance, but the monetary system in CS: GO has managed to make most of the weapons usable. She certainly coped with this task better than her predecessor. Most guns in CS: GO can be used, moreover, in a certain situation, one and only one – a certain one – can save. And yet there is a weapon that is definitely not worth even a penny. Let’s look at it – and at the same time at the obviously overrated by the developers.

However, someone, as always, may disagree – your right.

R8 Revolver

Old-timers and oldfags remember that after the release it was impossible to play CS: GO: there was no point in buying anything other than the super-powerful R8 revolver . Valve , of course, quickly realized their mistake and patched it a few days later.

During the main fire mode, the R8 slows down, so it becomes much slower than the Desert Eagle. And what makes the extra … See for yourself:

In general, it is noticeable that the accuracy of the R8 is critically low. Very critical. It is quite possible that after a long practice and having acquired a whole bunch of rabbit legs, you will still find yourself in a huge bus that is standing still. It takes two steps.

And think, is it really necessary if the R8 costs $ 850? That’s $ 150 more than the Desert Eagle. Even if they cost the same, why not take a good DE instead of … this? From the old memory of the first days, or what? Natural selection in all its glory, not otherwise.

Dual beretta

They might look cool, but just because you have twice as many pistols doesn’t mean they are twice as good. Yes, they have a high rate of fire and, to put it mildly, good clip sizes, but the accuracy is lame by the same two legs. If you’re so keen to invest $ 500 in pistols, spend it on the Tec-9, CZ75-Auto, or Five-Seven.

Some would argue that Christopher Alesund, better known as GeT_RiGhT from Ninjas in Pajamas, used to use paired Beretta before. But, first, there must be reasons why he no longer uses them, and second, there is a huge chance that he would play even better if he used a different weapon.


The shop of this PP holds as much as 64 rounds – a real record for CS: GO. Only this is where all its advantages end. Everything about this SMG is disgusting: damage, accuracy, armor penetration … Yes, you can stop there, because no one looks at the rest. It is simply pointless to invest in these weapons. All other PPs can do the same as PP-Bizon , only better. Well, except that there is no big clip, yeah. However, practice shows that while you shoot these 64 rounds, you will already be killed.


Unique assault rifle for counter-terrorism. Surprisingly, she has a high level of armor penetration, and the damage is not bad. And if you know how to use it, then the accuracy will not fail. So what’s the deal? Yes, in the price. Sorry, but $ 3300, especially when there is an M4A4 and an M4A1 $ 200 cheaper, is, to put it mildly, a bit too much. Well, you get the scope, but in the end, your field of view just diminishes and you shoot with about the same accuracy as you would with an M4 without any scopes. The AUG isn’t a bad gun, and it’s not that it’s not worth the money. But why when there is a cheaper M4?

SG 553

The SG 553 , aka Krieg 553 – the same AUG with the difference that terrorists use it. The rest of the characteristics are almost identical, but it costs even more – $ 3500! Why not grab the $ 2,700 AK-47 then, considering it’s one of the best assault rifles in the game? In general, thanks to the AK, the SG 553 has become a weapon that should not be taken at all. At all. Never. Nobody. Because SG 553 is the same thing, only prohibitively expensive and hard to control.

M249 and Negev

These weapons are probably made exclusively for trolling. Being killed by them is like being stabbed to death. And you probably met with trolling about death by a knife.

Both the M249 and the Negev give too much recoil. Their damage is monstrous, but hit first! Fortunately, the first bullet still flies where it should, but then, believe me, it will carry you away. Well, is it worth its $ 5000? Unlikely.

One of the defining parameters of a weapon is how it affects your speed, because mobility in CS: GO is your life and your victory. And some cannons can slow you down even more than AWPs – moreover, they are not necessarily powerful at all.

However, if you want to completely humiliate your opponent, then all of the above is your choice. And, by the way, not only amateurs do this – take a look at the game of Nathan Schmitt, about whom you probably heard under the nickname NBK:

It just so happened that he accidentally acquired Negev, but decided not to change weapons. Probably, Copenhagen Wolves after this round wanted to sink into the ground and never come back from there. The moral is that you can play well with any weapon – even one that is not recommended by other players. CS: GO is primarily tied to your skill, and if you are good, you can do wonders. However, at least at first, out of two weapons of approximately the same quality, it is better to take what is cheaper: it will be easier for you to win.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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