Want to start a cybercafe business? But how?

Cybercafe , also known as Internet cafe. It’s a place that offers people internet access for a fee. In this case the rate of fees depends on the time. As the trend of using the Internet has increased, it has become a popular business all over the world.


Business Type: This is an Internet based business. In addition to providing Internet services to people, the main purpose of this business is to do business.

Business Location: This business can be started by setting a good and easy-to-see location. Priority should be given to the location where a large number of people attend.

Potential Capital: To start this business, you need to invest approximately 20 to 5 capital.

Materials required: 1/4 computer , chair , computer table , internet connection , cabin etc.

How to get started: Decide with a small shop first. Then set up 3 or 5 computers to start this business. You need to set up 4 or 5 computers in small booths on one side of the store. Another computer has to be set up for official work. Web camera , headphones and internet connection should be ensured with each computer . You can also have a printer for the convenience of customers.

Advantages: Starting this business, people can provide internet services as well as services like compose , e-mail and print.

Why to start: With the use of various social media and Internet-based work, people are turning to the Internet. As a result, this business opportunity is being created. The number of cybercafe subscribers is increasing day by day. Moreover, as it is a lucrative business, young entrepreneurs are increasing their interest in this business. The twentieth ^ s convenient location where any part of the business can be started.

Cybercafe Business Success: This business can be successful if you ensure the security of each customer. In this case the position of the business also plays an important role.

Customer: Internet users of all people, especially in schools, colleges and twenty ^ high school students read the Barua’s main customer in this business.

Qualifications: Must have proficiency on various subjects of computer. You need to have a good idea about the new services of the Internet.

Potential Income: Cybercafe can earn from Tk 5,000 to Tk 5,000 per month.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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