
The wallpaper , also known as wallpaper , wall paper or paper colgadura , is a type of paper used in interior decoration and placed on the walls of a room totally or partially covering them.

Wallpaper consists of a patterned or smooth paper surface that adheres to the walls of a room. It usually consists of uniform designs such as stripes or squares or motifs that are repeated so that one roll can be placed next to the other while maintaining visual harmony.


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  • 1 History
  • 2 Types of wallpaper
    • 1 Embossed wallpaper
    • 2 Vinyl paper
    • 3 Vinyl paper
    • 4 Textured paper
    • 5 Textile-based paper
    • 6 Self- adhesive paper
  • 3 Decoration with wallpaper
  • 4 Laying the wallpaper
  • 5 See also
  • 6 References
  • 7 External links


Modern decoration with wallpaper

The wallpaper comes from the East and began to arrive in Europe in the 17th century thanks to the trade that was maintained with that part of the world. One of the best oriental examples is on display at the Harewood House in the UK .

Its first success occurred with the Industrial Revolution thanks to the lowering of its manufacturing by mechanization.

Papers have been in fashion at various times during the 20th century. At the beginning of the century, simple, usually floral, motifs proliferated. In the 1930s and 1940s they evolved into geometric drawings. Finally, they achieved great popularity during the 1960s and, especially, in the 1970s when they were distributed in a wide variety of colors and designs. [one]

Today, the paper can be said to be relatively popular. Among the new decoration trends applied to it, the following can be named:

  • Papers with digitized images that recreate flowers, landscapes, animals, etc. They are used to generate impact on a single wall. [two]
  • Retro prints, reproducing designs that were in vogue in the 1970s.
  • Paintable paper. It is a paper with relief that allows you to paint on top according to the taste of the decorator. This gives this material new and unlimited possibilities.

Types of wallpaper

Different types of wallpaper can be distinguished, [3] which will be used depending on the characteristics of the room to be decorated.

Embossed wallpaper

It consists of a single layer of paper and is placed on the wall with the help of glue .

Vinyl paper

It has a plastic layer covering the paper that protects it from humidity and makes it easy to clean with a damp cloth.

This type of paper is highly recommended for places exposed to moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms. It is also very useful for children’s rooms for the convenience of being able to easily clean them.

Vinyl paper

They are papers with a layer of varnish that protects them, and can be washed, but not as easily as vinyl.

Textured paper

It is used to give a texture to the wall before painting it. It is very useful for covering surface imperfections.

Textile based paper

It is a very decorative paper but less practical than the previous ones, since they are difficult to clean and to place them you need a special glue .

Self-adhesive paper

This is the most comfortable to place, since it has the glue included in the paper, thus avoiding the most complicated part of the process.

Decoration with wallpaper

Striped wallpaper

Some vinyl papers are pre-glued, but the normal thing is that the painter or the owner of the house has to apply glue to the back to fix them to the wall. There are different types of glue:

  • Cellulose glue, for normal papers.
  • Vinyl glue, used for vinyl friezes placed on papers of the same material. [4]

The wallpaper is used to cover the walls of a room saving its doors, windows, fireplaces and other fixed structures. It is also placed behind the furniture in the room, even if they are very heavy and bulky (in the case of libraries or sideboards), as well as radiators . Sometimes it is only applied to a part of the surface, for example, when creating a baseboard that reaches up to half a height and the rest of the wall is painted in the conventional way or to a single wall in the room. There are also narrow rolls used to place borders around the room, either independently, or as a finish to another wallpaper.

The wallpaper can be placed in any room in the house including the kitchen and bathrooms as well as in other spaces such as shops, hotels, restaurants, etc. In addition to its aesthetic utility, it can have a functional objective such as concealing an imperfect surface or avoiding rubbing and chipping, in the case of children’s rooms.

Laying the wallpaper

Before laying the wallpaper, [5] it is necessary to prepare the walls to be acted on. If they are new construction walls, it is necessary to apply a pre-gluing on the plaster . In the case of wallpaper walls, it is necessary to lift the previous papers using a desiccant material and scraping it with scrapers. It is also essential to remove the gotelé , if it exists. In the case of very irregular surfaces, it is convenient to smooth them by putting putty in the holes or applying plaster in the sunken areas.

The number of rolls needed is calculated by dividing the perimeter of the room without counting doors and windows by the length of each roll. Then, it is multiplied by the number of rolls that fit in height (room height divided by the width of the roll) taking into account that they have to overflow from above and below and waste a part to match the designs.

To glue the wallpaper, proceed as follows. It extends on a smooth surface and gums half of its surface. This piece is then folded over on itself. The operation is repeated with the other half. The cloth is then placed on the wall starting from its highest part and extending downwards. With the glue brush, it smoothes while removing air bubbles. It is convenient to leave a small rest on top to cut it. The operation is repeated with the rest of the scrolls, always taking care to match the drawings. Finally, the excess parts are cut using scissors or a knife. It is recommended to start wallpapering on the side of a door or window and follow the perimeter of the room from there


by Abdullah Sam
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