Volleyball rules for schoolchildren

In order to play by all the rules, the gym must have a net. In official volleyball, it should be located at a height of 2.43 m, for women – 2.24 m. However, for schoolchildren it can be made lower.

Basic rules for playing volleyball

Two teams are playing, the main goal of each is to throw the ball over the net to the side of the opposing team so that it hits the floor of the court, and to prevent this on their side.

According to the official volleyball rules, the team planning to attack should not touch the ball more than three times, that is, the fourth hit of one of the participants should be directed towards the opponent. In this case, one participant has no right to touch the ball several times in a row. It is up to the teacher to decide whether to follow all these rules in school conditions.

Other violations in the draw:

  • player touching the net;
  • the back line of the field by a player when attacking;
  • double-tap or delay on receiving the ball.

There must be up to 6 players from each team on the field. The team that starts the game is determined by lot.

The serve is carried out by a player from the extreme far zone, he kicks the ball towards the opponent. A rally occurs: when a team directs the ball so that it hits the floor of the opponent’s court, it gets the right to serve and its participants move clockwise. Thus, the right to serve the ball is exercised not by one player, but by all in turn: it is done by the one who moved from the first zone to the second immediately after the rally. The purpose of the serve is to immediately complicate the game for the opposing team by directing the ball into their territory. Therefore, it is important to teach all students how to make feeds, explain how to work with their hands correctly.

The main violations of the rules of the game of volleyball when serving:

  • steps into the court with his foot (and must serve the ball outside of it);
  • tosses and immediately catches the ball;
  • serves before the referee’s permission whistle (in this case, the service is repeated);
  • does not throw the ball within eight seconds of the referee’s whistle (then the service passes to the other team).

If the team has a point after the throw (that is, the ball touches the opponent’s floor), the same player serves. If the server violates the rules that we listed above, the point is awarded to the opposing team and the right to serve passes to it.

As in any team game, the team’s success depends on the coordination of its actions. The best result will be achieved by the team that will be able to coordinate their actions, think over the tactics of attack and defense even before the start of the game.

And further

When conducting volleyball lessons at school, first of all, you need to take care of preventing injuries: conduct a good warm-up, especially paying attention to the hands and ankle, and also learn the skills of working with a volleyball: for this, future players can pass the ball in pairs or in a circle.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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