Unrequited Love For Years;5 Facts You Must Know

Unrequited Love For Years.Do you think someone doesn’t like you? Have you been rejected? Perhaps you are in a situation of unrequited love. Don’t worry, it’s a very common situation. Find out how to deal with it here.

Unrequited love refers to those situations where a person feels romantic feelings for an individual who does not correspond to him in that area. Although it may not seem like it, many investigations indicate that this kind of love is more common than it seems at first glance.

What is Unrequited Love For Years.

Popular wisdom tells us that in every relationship there is a lover and a loved one. In unrequited love the situation is more complicated: the other party does not love you at all. When suffering this type of love pain , you are in a situation where you have strong feelings for someone close to you but the other person does not reciprocate.

Although it seems that this kind of crush only happens to single people, there are also cases in which it can happen to a person who is in a relationship. When we are with someone for many years, it is normal for us to change and feel different in the bond we have. These types of situations are difficult since most of them find it difficult to express thiskind of feelings to their partnersno longer wanted

Why does unrequited love hurt?

When someone faces a situation of unrequited love , they will surely go through difficult times. So much so that the pain of love is widely known by many popular sayings. Imagination and visualization are the main culprits of this suffering. Seeing yourself with the person and becoming obsessed with them makes letting go of an unrequited love even more difficult.

At a stage where we suffer from unrequited love, it is usual to feel alone and without the strength to face the pain that you suffer. Even so, he thinks that most people find unrequited love, so it is a very recurring situation. In these moments it is important to remember that you are not alone and that possibly sooner or later you will be able to find someone who offers you reciprocated love.

Why do we fall in love? Chemicals that influence love

Sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone are more than involved in bringing us to the physical act of love, but they are not strong enough to enhance the feelings that come with it. Therefore, you can get to have sex without being in love and even havelove without sex. When we suffer from pain due to unrequited love, the involvement of these two hormones and the others that are involved in the love process is more than minimal. The real culprits that make you feel like you can’t get over unrequited love are dopamine and oxytocin.

These two hormones have addictive qualities on us. Various studies have shown that the brains of drug addicts react to dopamine, and therefore seek a new dose. In the same way, when we are in love, our brain releases dopamine. This chemical makes you feel good and gives you euphoria when you are around your loved one. That is why when we try to forget an unrequited love it costs so much, since the brain eagerly seeks that dose of dopamine. When the loved one denies us the company of her we experience that the dopamine disappears, and as we yearn for more, our brain tries everything to find the solution to this loss. This is when the love pain we all know comes in. So much so that by not receiving that dose of dopamine our body reacts with anguish and stress. Even so, dopamine is not the only culprit for us feeling so much discomfort.

Another of the hormones that also participate in making it more difficult for us to overcome it is oxytocin. This appears when we create a bond with a person. By creating these kinds of relationships, we experience a sense of contentment and calm in his presence. So much so that we find it comforting to be around them and this stimulates our brain to produce even more dopamine, a fact that makes this vicious cycle even worse. That is, the moment you discover that you like someone and you see that it is unrequited love, when you try to separate or get away from this person, you will feel this explosive mixture inside of you. This is the reason why the pain of love is so well known.

Why rejection hurts?

Although it seems that the chemical pain that is experienced with unrequited love is already quite unbearable, the reality is that this type of damage does not only appear in our hearts. The fact that someone rejects us also has its psychological consequences .

What seems more than obvious is that no one wants to see themselves as a person who cannot be loved. In this way, when someone rejects us, we wonder why we are not suitable enough so that our loved one does not want to reciprocate. Instead, theright attitudefacing this situation would mean realizing that these decisions are not under our control .

But even so, when we experience a rejection, the same neurological pathways are physiologically activated as the same physical pain. The reason is basically due to evolutionary causes. When we lived in prehistoric times, the thought of someone rejecting you meant that you couldn’t survive on your own. That is why rejection ended up causing the same pain as physical damage.

That is, when someone rejects you, your body experiences the same reactions as if you had been physically hit or burned. In the same way when you are in a situation of unrequited love , this rejection acts in the same way as in prehistory.

How to know if Unrequited Love For Years?

Although the most obvious solution to know if we are facing a case of unrequited love is basically to declare yourself to the person in question, it is obvious that sometimes it can give us a certain vertigo to face one of these situations. For this reason, we will show you some of the signs that you can find when love is unrequited .

1. Physical signs

There are some almost imperceptible behaviors when your loved one is not reciprocated. Many of the people who have experienced it suggest that they receive certain mixed signals of the love interest from the other person. When there are gestures or attitudes that contradict each other, it is most likely that the other person does not want a love relationship with you.

2. Who has the initiative?

One of the simplest ways to see if you are facing a case of unrequited love is when the person in question never takes the initiative to contact you. At the moment when it is only you who initiates all the conversations or shows interest in love, it may mean that the other person does not want to start a relationship with you.

3. There is no physical contact

Finding an excuse to initiate contact with another person is always a clear sign of interest. For this reason, if you find that it is always you who has this type of attitude, it may indicate that you are in a situation where there is unrequited love .

4. Lack of realism

In a situation of unrequited love, it is very common for the person who wishes the other thehave on a pedestal. That is, the other person is perceived as an almost perfect being where there are almost no signs of imperfections. Most of the time that this type of situation happens, it ends up being a clear sign that it is an unrequited love. This happens because when there is really a real contact of love with the other person, if we can see these failures more clearly. Even so, falling in love is a phase where very few imperfections of the beloved are perceived.

In our life there are loves that mark us more than others and we really do not know how to explain why it is that person and not another that comes to mind. The idealization of a love or a relationship does not have to respond to reasons that it has been the longest love, the person who has treated you the best or the one with whom you have shared the most hobbies.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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