Types of bones

Bones form an organ that characterizes certain types of living beings, which are often called vertebrates. As we well know, a bone is something hard and resistant that shapes a body structure, although in general this type of organ also consists of some soft tissues. The human being has a total of 206 bones of different types and sizes. Broadly speaking, bones are made up mainly of calcium and other minerals that give them their resistance. Likewise, bones fulfill different functions and, although they are hard and resistant, they are also very light. In all living beings, bones join or form a structure, so it could be said that they are interdependent.

Although most of the time it is seen as secondary, the truth is that the skeletal system is as important as the muscles or the brain. In addition to giving structure and stability to the body, they have an impressive capacity for restoration and regeneration after an injury. Their importance is such that without them the human being, and in general all vertebrate living beings, would not have their motor skills, support and, particularly growth. Although in reality the classification of bones is not homogeneous, it is possible to classify them in a general way.

Types of bones, sesamoids

Types of bones:

Compact or cortical bones : this type of bone is characterized by forming the diaphysis, that is, a solid and continuous structure whose structure is only seen through a microscope.

Spongy or trabecular bones : this type of bone does not contain osteons, so its shape is internally irregular, which forms plates known as trabeculae. These plates produce holes or spaces inside the bones.

Long bones: as the name implies, these types of bones are characterized by their length, which is very long. Generally, these types of bones have the main function of giving stability and mobility to the body, which is why they unite certain parts of the body with others. Likewise, they are mainly made up of red and yellow bone marrow. Most of these bones are found in the legs and arms.

Short bones: obviously, these types of bones are shorter than the previous ones, so they are more uniform. They are mainly made of spongy tissue and contain a small layer of compact tissue. These types of bones are located especially in areas where great effort is required, such as the hands and feet.

Flat bones : these bones are of considerable length and width, although they are mainly characterized by their thickness. They are bones that generally form cavities that have the function of protecting organs or other fragile or sensitive elements of the body. The best examples of these types of bones are those that form the rib cage and the skull that protects the brain.

Irregular bones: these types of bones are special, since they are all those that cannot be located within the other types already mentioned. Therefore, they do not have a specific length, although they do have complex and irregular shapes.

Sesamoid bones: are all those short bones that are in relation to a tendon, thereby improving joint mechanics. In this regard we can mention the kneecap.

Supernumerary bones: This is a type of short bones that are not found in all people, so they are very special.

by Abdullah Sam
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