Tsushima ghost | The fastest way to increase the legend and earn XP

As you go from being Jin Sakai to becoming The Ghost, your rank of Ghost Legend of Tsushima will increase. Complete the missions and you will notice that you will become stronger and a new title in your name. While the main missions will allow you to progress at a steady pace, there are other ways to level up faster. Here is the fastest way to raise the Legend and earn XP in Ghost of Tsushima.

What is the fastest way to raise Legend in Ghost of Tsushima?

Hunt down the fortresses of the Mongolian territory, which are large icons marked in red, and take down the enemies is a great way to quickly increase your legend.

The amount of legend boost you get for a mission is shown in your menu. Main missions often give you a “major legend boost”, while side missions most often give you a “minor legend boost”. The fortresses of the Mongolian territory offer a “moderate increase of the legend”. Not only that, but they will often grant you a point of technique and some valuable resources.

Bouncing off the main quest for the main upgrades in Mongol Territory Strongholds for the moderate upgrades will offer the quickest way to increase your Legend.

As you move to and from these key locations, however, it’s also a good idea to watch out for casual encounters. While they only give a trail of progress towards your Legend, they often only take a minute to complete, with around 4-5 enemies to take out. Plus, you’ll be given valuable resources that you can stock up on for armor and weapon upgrades, so they’re worth it.

To speed up even further, be sure to check out our Ghost of Tsushima fast travel guide. Also, if you’re keen to have more Samurai content, check out the latest news on potential DLCs.


by Abdullah Sam
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