
Trident. Spear or pitchfork with three or four points decorated or rustic.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Meaning
  • 3 Symbol
  • 4 Different Tridents
  • 5 Sources


It comes from the Latin tridentis, tri “tres” and dente “teeth” although it can have more than three teeth or tips


Scepter in the form of a three-pointed harpoon, holding the statues of Neptune, the Roman god of the sea.

Due to the original use in fishing, the trident is often associated with Poseidon , the god of the sea in Greek mythology. Striking the earth with his trident, Poseidon created the horse and some water sources in Greece.As his symbol, the trident is the central figure of the Barbadian flag . The trident is also the throwing weapon of the Hindu god Shivá .


Symbol of the god Neptune poseidon for the Greeks is an analog symbol with the royal scepter that Yahweh carries in the Renaissance paintings that represent him and signify power.

He was demonized by Christian culture to try to eliminate pagan symbology during the origins of Christianity.

In the Christian tradition, the trident is associated with the devil. It was King Triton’s weapon of choice in the 1989 Disney Little Mermaid and Diana’s weapon of choice from the PAX Network made for the TV movie, Mermaids 2003 .


by Abdullah Sam
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