Trichoderma fungi will work instead of chemical fertilizers and pesticides

Trichoderma is a beneficial fungus that helps protect the plant from bacteria. Trichoderma is a very effective biological organism to protect crops, vegetables, from disease-causing pathogens. It is a free-living fungus that grows in the soil and root ecosystems. It is highly effective in the environment of root, soil and stone. It reduces the growth or transmission of pathogens caused by various mechanisms, such as antibiosis, mycoparticism, hyphal interaction and enzyme secretion. They form a barrier that hinders the functioning of harmful bacteria and pathogens.

Trichoderma is an organism derived from nature that can be used biologically to repress plants. As a result, the use of chemical fertilizers in the land will be reduced by 5 to 5 percent. It is possible to manufacture in the form of tricho-suspension, powder and paste. Spraying according to the rules provides its effectiveness. Being natural and inhabiting the soil, once used, it stays on the ground for 2 to 3 years. It is possible to produce tricho-compost quickly by mixing aqueous solution of ‘tricho-suspension’ in the waste garbage.

Trichoderma fungus

Trichoderma fungus has four different species. These are Trichoderma hergium, Trichoderma viridi, Trichoderma longibracchaeatum and Trichoderma reesei. Each of these has certain characteristics and qualities.

Trichoderma is found biologically on the local soil of almost every continent in the world. They are found in soil at different temperatures. However, the best quality Trichoderma fungus can be obtained from 1 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The fungus is not effective beyond this temperature.

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Trichoderma is extremely resilient, its adaptability is unmatched. They can survive in the face of any heavy metals and bacteria.

These beneficial bacteria are gradually diminishing as a result of excavation of soil, construction of infrastructure, overuse of pesticides, drought, floods and extreme heat. Naturally it is eliminating the crop from soil-borne diseases. Therefore, it is now brought to the laboratory for biocompost and biofertilizers are being made to reduce germination.

The context of trichoderma in Bangladesh

Trichoderma biopesticides are the first to be discovered in Bangladesh by the professor of plant pathology at Bangladesh Agricultural University. Md. Bahadur Mia. Bogra was brought to the market through the RDA lab in Bogra on June 27. Until now, it produces and markets commercially available trichoderma in five labs in Bangladesh. Trichoderma is an affordable bio-pesticide and compost. It reduces the use of chemical fertilizers by 3-5 percent. The use of biopesticides made from trichoderma suspension reduces the cost of pesticides by up to 5 percent. Professor of Horticulture at Shrebangla Agricultural University Jamal Uddin’s research shows that the use of trichoderma increases tomatoes. Increased by 4 times. That is, Trichoderma is simultaneously reducing the cost of farming by increasing crop production. That is why Trichoderma compost and biopesticides can be an opportunity for further implementation of sustainable organic farming in the rooftops.


Advantages of Trichoderma

  1. Disease Control:Trichoderma is a powerful biocontrol agent and is widely used for soil borne diseases. It has been used successfully against various pathogenic fungi such as Fusarium, Phytophthora, Sclerosia.
  2. Auxiliary to plant growth: Trichoderma helps dissolve phosphate and micronutrients in water. The application of Trichoderma to the plant increases the number of deep roots, thereby increasing the plant’s ability to withstand drought.
  3. Biochemical Agent of Disease:Trichoderma helps affect crop immunity. The three classes produced by Trichoderma and its ability to induce plant resistance have now been discovered. These compounds induce ethylene production in the applied tree, respond to high sensory responses, and induce other immune-related responses.

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  1. Transgenic plants:Trichoderma’s endocytinase gene enhances the growth resistance of tobacco and potato plants. Alataranariya altanata solani  and  botritisa sireriya and matibahita variety of bacteria,  rijektoniya  esapipi  on  such  link  pathogens too tolerant.
  2. Organic antacids :Trichoderma plays an important role in the biological purification of soil contaminated by pesticides and herbicides . They reduce the use of unnecessary pesticides.
  3. Soil Poisoning: Trichoderma helps reduce the occurrence of excessive chemicals and pesticides in the soil, while at the same time helping to maintain acidity and pH levels.
  4. Soil HealthProtection: Helps protect soil health and environment and prolongs   fertile energy. As a result the soil is nourished and fertility is increased.


Use of Trichoderma

Trichoderma contains all kinds of plants and vegetables such as cauliflower, cotton, tobacco, soybeans, sugarcane, sugar, eggplant, reddish, banana, tomato, pepper, potato, lemonade, onion, peanut, pea, sunflower, eggplant, tea, ginger, hall. , Pepper, pine, cardamom etc. can be successfully applied.

Trichoderma in the market

Originally available in the market as trichoderma powder. In addition, many companies manufacture and market readymade compost and pesticides from Trichoderma. Trichoderma powder is purchased and sprinkled in organic waste. Keeping it in this way for 3-5 days, the fungi digest the waste and become very good compost. It can also be used as an alternative to vermicompost.

Trichoderma powder is made by mixing 3 grams of water in 3 liters of water with a suspension made of biopesticides. This biopesticide is a very effective pesticide for soil-borne pathogens.

Bogra’s RDA Lab manufactures Trichoderma and markets it to farmers. Also, EcoPlus produces and markets Trichoderma in its own lab in Dinajpur. They also provide trichoderma compost for the land and roof garden. To get an Ectoplas trichoderma, contact 12202.

Trichoderma compost and biopesticides are a very effective ingredient for roofing. It helps to increase the yield as well as reduce its costs. Besides, because it is completely organic, the fruits and vegetables you produce are completely chemical free. Therefore, rooftop gardeners should be intrigued by the use of extensive research on trichoderma.

by Abdullah Sam
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