Other traditional games for boys and girls

Other traditional games for boys and girls . It is a traditional popular games program for boys and girls ages 8 and 9.


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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Games
  • 3 Final results
  • 4 Bibliographies
  • 5 Sources


Traditional games seem to run the risk of disappearing, especially in large cities and in more industrialized areas, it can even be said that a similar situation is also seen in the usual settings of the most backward towns, despite the efforts of pedagogues, researchers , physical recreation technicians and other people determined to perpetuate them in the stamp of the new generations.

Obviously these games of traditional popular character are suffering a gradual deterioration, a situation attributable to various causes, among them and it is not the only one, the increase of those expressions or ways of playing connected with the scientific-technological development (read the playstation , the console , computer , nintendo , cell phones , among others), video games that have undoubtedly invaded and captivated the daily work, attracting as a whole the attention of adults , youth , boys and girls , in a special way.

The truth is that among the traditional games are a wide range of recreational modalities: boys games and girls games, lullabies, fortune telling games, never ending tales, rhymes, draw games, toys, etc.


  • Rubber ball (rubber)

Objective : To develop in boys and girls the ability to throw , the race as well as group work through the traditional game of rubber balls.

Development : This traditional game complies with the same baseball rules but with the particularity that bat is not used. Designated hitter uses his closed hand (fist) to hit the ball is rubber and direct it towards the playing area. They are organized into two groups and play innings that the two teams have established before starting the game.

Materials : water , ice , glasses, pitch, rubber ball, bases.

  • Rag ball

Objective : Play a rag ball game that promotes values ​​such as: collectivism, group work, solidarity , humanism , among boys and girls from 08 to 09 years old .

Development : This traditional game complies with the same baseball rules but with the particularity that bat is not used. The designated hitter uses his closed hand (fist) to hit the rubber ball and direct it to the playing area. They are organized into two groups and play innings that the two teams have established before starting the game.

Materials : water, ice, glasses, pitch, rubber ball, bases

  • Jump the rope

Objective : to play the jump rope game to promote respect between boys and girls from 08 to 09 years old

Development : Skipping rope is a traditional children’s game that requires practice and agility. It is played with various variants and can be individual (taking the ends of the rope, one with each hand, and thus turning and jumping in a simple or crossed way, forward or backward) or collectively. Rope is a fun game for boys and girls, especially hyperactive ones. Two participants take the ends of the rope and spin it, at the same time another participant will jump on it, and if he touches the rope he is disqualified. The speed of the turn is increased little by little, according to the duration of the participant who is jumping, in some places they call “spicy” the fast turn of the rope. Whoever can stand the longest jumping the rope wins.

Final results

It was appreciated that when obtaining the final results of the research, the parents and representatives understood the importance of being attentive to the activities carried out by their children, a situation that is reflected after the study, since it is appreciated that 100% supervise the characteristics of the games made by their children and the interest in using traditional games.

The results of the initial diagnosis showed that 75% of parents and guardians had considered the need for their children to appropriate and apply traditional games.

This situation, after the implementation of the games program, was assumed and taken into consideration by parents and representatives, since 100% were aware of the importance of these games for their children.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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