This computer cannot run Windows 11: how to fix the error

Guide to avoid compatibility error between Windows 10 and Windows 11

Next we are going to see how to solve the Windows 11 error that does not allow us to run the new Microsoft operating system on our computer. And is that with the arrival of Windows 11 , many are the users who wonder if their PC will be able to run the new version of the famous operating system. For this, what better than to first consult the minimum requirements of Windows 11, although beyond the characteristics of our PC, we must be attentive to the error ” This computer cannot run Windows 11 ” and check if it can be solved in some way. Therefore, do not miss how to solve the error that prevents our PC from executingWindows 11 .

How to fix Windows 11 compatibility error

Before the arrival of Windows 11 in late 2021 , Microsoft has made available to its users a tool called PC Health Check or status check the PC a little official program free you can download on your computer that, after a brief analysis hardware, it will tell us if our PC is compatible with Windows 11 or not . But despite the fact that our computer more than meets the basic requirements, the error This computer cannot run Windows 11 may appear . What can we do in this case?

In this case we can try a solution that has to do with a security protocol known as TPM 2.0 on the computer’s motherboard. Follow the steps below to resolve the error This computer cannot run Windows 11 :

  1. In Windows 10, press the Windows + Rkey combination .
  2. Type the command ” msc” without the quotes.
  3. Click on the OKbutton .

You will access the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management Console window , a Windows menu through which you can check if your computer has the Specification Version 2.0 value . In the event that it does not appear, you will have to try to enable this protocol through the BIOS of your PC. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Restart the PC.
  2. Access the PC boot menu by pressing F11
  3. Once inside the BIOS menu, look for the Secure Bootoption .
  4. Enablethe Secure Boot option.
  5. Now access Windows 10normally .
  6. Once in Windows 10 run again tool PC Health Checkor status check the PC to verify that indeed, your computer is now compatible with Windows 11.

If you follow this tutorial after detecting the error This computer cannot run Windows 11 , you will be able to enable the necessary security protocol so that your PC is already compatible with Windows 11; that yes, it is not infallible and some older PCs do not offer this option or through the BIOS. If so, you will have to either stick with Windows 10 (for which Microsoft will continue to offer security updates for a few years) or purchase a new Windows 11 compatible computer .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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