How to fix Messenger error ‘Cannot sign in or open’?

There are many mobile devices that present this error, causing annoyance to the user . What is most exasperating for most is the fact that it happens suddenly. That is, one day it may be working correctly and the next not letting you in.

But this is not just the case with the Facebook Messages app. Cases have also been reported in which the YouTube social network application suddenly closes , but the website does not. Making people have to resort to different processes to solve said inconvenience and recover their accounts .

Index( )

  1. Why does the Messenger login error happen on Android?
    1. Can this error be avoided?
  2. How to fix Messenger login issue from my Android?
  3. What will happen to Messenger chats when it gives ‘Can’t sign in or open’ error?
    1. Can the bug delete your Messenger messages?

Why does the Messenger login error happen on Android?

This failure can occur for various reasons, discarding one by one will help you find the source of the mishap. They range from a bad installation of Messenger when it was being updated to a more serious problem with your mobile device.

Android systems are the most affected by this error, in many cases it is due to conflicts with phone settings or programming errors. In other circumstances it is due to network errors or even data that was stored in an erroneous way.

Can this error be avoided?

Being an error that does not have a specific basis, it is difficult to prevent it from happening. Since there are several factors that can cause it. The main thing is to keep the app up to date, as this fixes many bugs and improves privacy by having different encryptions .

Helping to keep your messages and contacts safe, as well as the information you store on your mobile device. Another additional piece of information is not to activate the login by photo, since this requires a good internet connection and sometimes generates errors when loading the images in an erroneous way.

In some Android cell phones, it is requested that the version of the system of the brand they have be constantly updated. It is necessary that the process is carried out correctly , without being interrupted. Otherwise, you are going to generate errors in the functions of the phone and by extension in your applications. As is the case when Instagram closes only on Android devices.

How to fix Messenger login issue from my Android?

As we have already mentioned before, there are many causes that will influence here. For this reason we will give you a guide to the most common so that you can correct and solve the error in this way. Keep in mind that they are simple procedures that are oriented to the software part and not to the mobile as such.

Since if you have carried out each of the following processes and the error still appears, it is best that you take it to a technician. This is recommended under suspicion of possible phone board damage. The first thing is to make sure that we are using the correct username and password.

  • Try trying to access the Facebook website from your computer.
  • Access it with your credentials (email and password).
  • If everything is fine with your account you will be able to enter without any problem.
  • You can also change the password, this in some cases solves the error.

Now, once the username and password have been verified, we will proceed to see if there is a pending Messenger update to be installed. As well as the date of the last installation, in order to verify if perhaps the error has occurred during said process.

  • You are going to go to the store and look for the application among the options
  • Once you find it, we proceed to open it and if ‘Update’ appears, click on it and wait for the process to finish.
  • If instead it shows ‘Open’ then ideally you should delete the Messenger app and reinstallit . This usually resolves the error.

Sometimes, the problem may persist, so what we will do is delete the app data from the mobile settings. This is very easy to do if you have an Android, but don’t worry, your messages and contacts won’t be deleted for privacy reasons.

  • Access the phone settings and then ‘Applications’.
  • Once there, look for ‘Messenger’ and click on the option.
  • At the bottom you will see ‘Clear data’.

When you have completed it, data such as cache, cookies and other junk files that cause errors and are unnecessary will be deleted.

If you’ve gone through all of the steps above and still have trouble signing in, it may be due to a fault with your computer. Whether it is with respect to the software, it is recommended to do a ‘hard reset’ , which will delete all the information on your phone, remember to back it up.

If you still have this error , you should go to a technician , since it is one of the first signs that the board that powers your entire mobile device is about to fail. This can be easily verified by trying to open Messenger from another mobile device or tablet.

What will happen to Messenger chats when it gives ‘Can’t sign in or open’ error?

This error is usually from the Messenger app itself, not from your Facebook account. So it will not affect the information you have on your profile, everything will remain intact until you gain access again.

Can the bug delete your Messenger messages?

It is possible that the first time you enter the application you will not see any messages. However, the messages are not deleted from the platform, you can access them from the Facebook website . If you used the ‘wipe data’ method to fix the error, the messages may have been removed from the device.

Keep in mind that thanks to the privacy settings neither the contacts nor the messages can be deleted, since the application did not access the account and you did not order.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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