How to fix ‘we have encountered an error, please sign in later’ in Windows 10?

It’s not uncommon for users after the latest Windows update to get a popup telling them ‘we encountered an error, please sign in later’. The inconvenience has arisen especially when you cannot access all the phone applications offered by the store. In addition to this error, Windows has also presented other types of errors such as the desktop not appearing.

That is why in this article we have provided some solutions that can help you solve the problems that are bothering you. If you still can’t log in after multiple failures, be sure to check out the steps below.

Index( )

  1. Solution to ‘We encountered an error, please try to sign in later’ Windows 10 Store
    1. Fix it from settings
    2. Check your privacy settings
    3. Check your antivirus
    4. Avoid using VPN or Proxy
    5. clear the cache

Solution to ‘We encountered an error, please try to sign in later’ Windows 10 Store

Microsoft Store is a digital distribution platform that has been part of the Windows operating system since version 8. This service is responsible for providing users with a catalog of free and paid applications so that they can download them safely.

When we download applications from the store itself, we make sure that they are free of viruses or malware. In addition, the App is responsible for automatically updating the latest available version of all services. This way you don’t have to worry about anything.

If we are used to using the Microsoft Store or Google Play to download our applications, we may find it frustrating that it does not open quickly; also that it presents errors of stopping working for no apparent reason. To solve these possible problems that we may encounter on our device, we leave you some tips that may be useful to you.

Next, we will see the most common solutions that we can find in the Windows Store and the steps that we must follow to achieve it. We will have to check the antivirus, bypass the proxy and clear the browser cache . We can also choose to use the configuration service, update the operating system to the latest version or reset Google Play from scratch. A very common error is that the audio output is not found.

Fix it from settings

Windows 10 has its own troubleshooter that we can check if the app is working in optimal conditions. If not, the error can be corrected automatically. To do this, we will use the Windows + I keyboard shortcut that allows us to access the settings.

Here we go to ‘Update and security’, then choose Troubleshoot from the menu on the left. We will find the option ‘Microsoft Store Apps’ and click on ‘Run’. A window will then open that will start looking for potential issues and trying to resolve them.

If you’re using Windows 11, you can find tools to decipher your phone’s operating issues (including the Microsoft Store troubleshooter). You need to access the System section , under ‘Solution’ and under ‘Other stores’ of convenience. To do this, you will have to find this tool in the list that appears in the browser and click on ‘Run’, just follow the steps indicated by the program.

Check your privacy settings

It is also possible that your security settings are blocking access to the Google Play Store . To remove this possibility, review your privacy settings by following these steps:

  • Open the ‘Settings’ app and go to the ‘private’ section.
  • When the window starts, enable all options.
  • This should be enough to help you fix Windows Store login issues.

Check your antivirus

Another possibility that could limit the use of our Android devices is that we have been infected with a virus or some other type of malware. In addition to making sure that everything we need is backed up and not lost, you should try the solutions we refer you to in case you have a virus.

It would also be very helpful if you have the pre-installed Windows antivirus or firewalls enabled. However, it is clear that not all viruses or malware that can affect our computers are the same. Currently we have many antivirus options, as we will see later, they are free and work very well, but it is important to make a good choice.

In addition, we must also add that we can install a paid antivirus, but that does not have the wrong or expired license. So it is something very important to keep in mind to prevent it from happening. So, if this doesn’t solve the problem with your password, the next step is to change your antivirus on the phone. One option is Avast Free, if you are looking for an antivirus that is:

  • Easy to use.
  • Nice interface.
  • Detect viruses and protect the computer.

Avoid using VPN or Proxy

If we use a VPN to connect to the Internet, it can cause problems with the Microsoft Store. Therefore, it is very convenient to deactivate or proceed with the uninstallation of the VPN or Proxy that you use. To uninstall it, follow these steps:

  • We go to Settings by pressing Windows + I and select on ‘Network and Internet’ and ‘VPN’.
  • Here we deactivate the option ‘Allow VPN on home networks’.
  • Then we go to Proxy to confirm that in ‘Manual Configuration’, the ‘Use’ box is unchecked.

clear the cache

If all of the above still does not work for you to access the Windows 10 store, you should also choose to clear the cache . Performing this service in your browser will help us troubleshoot errors that may arise when installing or updating a password. This also comes in handy when you need to sign in to YouTube. To do this you must follow the following steps:

  • Press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R to open ‘Run’.
  • Here we will type wsreset.exeand select OK.
  • Then a blank window will appear, which means it is clearing the cache.
  • After a few seconds it will close.
  • Reboot your computer and when Windows reloads, check if the issue is resolved.

Having a large store cache can also cause similar device password errors and failures. If you haven’t cleared the Microsoft Store cache for a long time, this should resolve the issue . In case it still does not work, you can opt for the following method.

Install the latest updates 

The Microsoft Store is part of Windows 10, so the lack of an update may affect it. So if this is a common problem, Microsoft will probably eventually release a fix. To make sure you have all the necessary patches, update your Windows 10. While Android downloads are automatic, you can always check for yourself by going to Settings – Android Update.

Create a new user account 

Some users also suggested that it might be useful to create a new account  and access the store from there. So if none of the above solutions solve the problem, try to create a new user account and access the store from there.

  • Open the ‘Settings’ app and go to ‘Accounts’.
  • Select ‘Family’ and ‘Other’.
  • In the right pane, click ‘Add someone else to this PC’.
  • Click ‘I don’t have this person’s login information’.
  • Now add user without an account in Microsoft.
  • Enter the desired name and click next to continue.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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