10 Benefits of A Father In A Child’s Life

Benefits of A Father In A Child’s Life.Several studies have shown that the presence of a father in the family can play a role in children’s success. That’s why the important role of fathers in educating their children is undeniable. The role of the father for children’s education is very important.Ideally, in raising and educating children, there should be complementary cooperation between father and mother. If this is not possible, then one party should be concurrently the presence of the other party.

In a discussion on the role of fathers in educating early childhood, the Director of Family Education Development, Dr. Sukiman, M.Pd in ​​Surabaya some time ago, if a father realizes that his presence is very important in the family, of course he will not waste the opportunity to always be with his family and take part in caring and educating children. the role of fathers for children’s education is very important

“The involvement of fathers in educating children is not limited from the aspect of time, but also the quality of interaction and attention. This involvement involves physical, emotional, social, intellectual, moral and authority dimensions, “explained Dr. Sukiman, M.Pd.

Benefits of A Father In A Child’s Life You Must Know

What elements is paternal involvement made of

The studies examined concerned about 22,300 minors of varying ages. The element monitored was “paternal involvement”, a technical term that defines three essential conditions:

  • cohabitation of the father in the house where the son lives
  • participation in fun, stimulating, affective activities (playing, reading, falling asleep, social exploration)
  • responsibilities and care functions (guaranteeing a quality of life for the child through work and guaranteeing the child all the medical care and assistance necessary in times of need)

The father is also a teacher, facilitator, motivator, advisor and a raw model for his child. The father’s role can also be as guarantor, controller and fulfillment of needs. “The role of the father is also a substitute for the role of the mother. What mothers can do can also be done by fathers without having to differentiate between their duties, ”explained the new director who was appointed in August 2015. the role of fathers for children’s education is very important

The following are forms of father involvement that can be done for their children/Benefits of A Father In A Child’s Life

  1. Home education is informal and flexible, so it doesn’t require a strict schedule. Dad can start at any time and in any activity. It can be while playing, talking, or even while doing homework. Of course, this activity not only brings the relationship between father and son closer but also reduces mother’s duties.
  2. Education can be carried out all the time while there is an opportunity from getting up early to going to bed at night, even when the child is awake from sleep. Don’t hesitate to change diapers, make milk, take your children to the bathroom or read story books so that your children sleep soundly again.
  3. In the morning, fathers can bathe their children while chatting, dressing, taking breakfast, and dropping off school. Give a warm touch so that the child feels comfortable with his father.
  4. Afternoon or evening can invite children to play or other activities they want. If the father works during the day, take the time to talk with the child over the telephone line, just asking what they are doing, how are activities at home or at school, whether they have eaten or not and other light questions.
  5. At night we can invite you to play, chat, tell stories about today’s activities, read books, tell stories, help with homework and so on.
  6. With regard to the health and nutritional conditions of children, the father as the head of the family is certainly responsible for making ends meet. Not just providing a living, fathers can also give advice on a menu that suits the child’s best nutrition. Remember, dad is great, dad is involved! (Bunga Kusuma Dewi).

The results that have emerged are certainly not surprising, but still worthy of being reported. The presence of a very involved father makes a difference , and we know this now. The point is how to get involved. But that’s another question.

Benefits of A Father In A Child’s Life


Fathers play a crucial role in a child’s life, providing love, support, and guidance. Their presence contributes to a child’s overall development and well-being. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits that a father brings to a child’s life, highlighting the importance of their influence and involvement.

The Emotional Bond

One of the primary benefits of having a father in a child’s life is the emotional bond that is formed. A father’s love and affection create a sense of security and belongingness for the child. This bond provides a strong foundation for the child’s emotional development and helps foster positive relationships in the future.

Role Modeling

Fathers serve as role models for their children, particularly for their sons. Through their actions and behaviors, fathers teach their children valuable life lessons, values, and ethics. By observing their fathers, children learn important skills, such as problem-solving, resilience, and compassion. Fathers who actively participate in their child’s life inspire them to become responsible and confident individuals.

Academic Success

Research suggests that fathers’ involvement in their child’s education positively impacts their academic success. When fathers actively engage in their child’s educational journey, it emphasizes the significance of education and encourages a strong work ethic. Furthermore, children with involved fathers tend to have higher self-esteem and motivation, leading to improved academic performance.

Discipline and Boundaries

Fathers play a crucial role in setting boundaries and instilling discipline in their children. Through their guidance, fathers teach children about responsibility, accountability, and the consequences of their actions. Fatherly discipline helps children develop self-control, respect for rules, and an understanding of right from wrong. This structured upbringing prepares children for the challenges they will face later in life.

Development of Social Skills

A father’s presence and involvement greatly contribute to a child’s social development. By spending quality time together, fathers help children develop healthy social skills, such as communication, empathy, and cooperation. Fathers often engage in play-based activities, which promote teamwork, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. These skills are crucial for developing strong relationships and thriving in various social settings.

Building Self-Confidence

Fathers play a significant role in building their child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Through their support and encouragement, fathers instill a sense of belief in their child’s abilities. They provide guidance during difficult times, helping children develop resilience and determination. A father’s belief in their child’s potential empowers them to overcome challenges and pursue their dreams with confidence.

Emotional Intelligence

Fathers contribute to the development of their child’s emotional intelligence. By actively engaging in conversations and expressing emotions, fathers teach their children how to understand and manage their feelings. This emotional literacy equips children with the skills to navigate relationships, resolve conflicts, and cope with stress effectively.


The benefits of having a father in a child’s life are undeniable. From emotional bonding to academic success, discipline to social skills development, fathers play a vital role in shaping their children’s lives. Their love, guidance, and presence create a nurturing environment that nurtures a child’s overall well-being and sets them on a path towards a fulfilling and successful future.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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