100 Benefits of Technology on Child Development You Must Know

Benefits of Technology on Child Development.Sometimes, parents are afraid that our children, from such a young age, already have access to these devices. Children begin to use new technologies from an  early age.Understanding how the brain works and the stages of its development allows parents to adjust their expectations to the real capacities of the child. In this way they will not demand things for which they are not prepared.

100 Benefits of Technology on Child Development

  •  Email is a great way to maintain open communication with your child’s teacher. It is much easier for her to respond to a slew of emails on her own time than to contact parents with a dozen follow-up phone calls.
  •  Ask your child’s teacher whether she prefers online communication and if she docs, exchange email addresses. Call your child’s teacher or send short email messages to catch up between conferences. Either form of communication is a great way to stay informed about classroom issues.
  • School websites are great resources and provide a broad range of useful information: faculty and staff contact information, school rules and general policies, student activities, and parent committees.
  • Faxing is another great communication option. Zipping a quick fax over to the appropriate school office can save you a trip to school if your child forgets an important document, such as a permission slip or homework assignment
  • The combination of children and technology continually proves to be extremely advantageous for learning , in quantitative and qualitative terms of the information acquired and the work done.
  • The correct use of digital tools for teaching will lead to substantial improvements in the study method of your children, in their attitude towards school commitment, individual work and the relationship with school life.

New generations are  learning things by digital tools and multimedia contents

  • Starting to use technology from primary school allows children to begin to navigate the vast world of information available on the web.
  • Just doing an online search, for example, requires the child to select the most suitable words to find the information, refining his vocabulary.
  • Children will naturally also improve the multitasking ability , typical of digital tools, and will be more reactive and quick in responding to problems and requests.
  • All this obviously can be translated into better academic results, dictated by a more agile and reactive mind.

They will also improve:

  • The logic
  • Productivity
  • Graphic skills
  • The ability to solve problems
  • The ability to work in a team
  • The ability to juggle the different types of teaching material
  • The speed of adaptation to the different ways of acquiring news
  • Children will naturally also improve the multitasking ability , typical of digital tools, and will be more reactive and quick in responding to problems and requests.
  • All this obviously can be translated into better academic results, dictated by a more agile and reactive mind.


Since children are great imitators, parents must first of all limit their personal use of the media, favoring applications that allow for “dialogic” and collaborative play.