The Importance of Good Nutrition for Body Health


  • Benefits of a Healthy Diet for Our Eyes
  • The Benefits of Eating Healthy Food For Our Hair
  • The Effect of a Healthy Diet for the Skin
  • Benefits of a Good Diet for the Digestive System
  • Healthy Diet Can Prevent Various Diseases

“ When you truly understand that your food choices are life-defining, you can exercise control and restraint without feeling deprived. -Marlene Adelmann

Trying a healthy diet and eating good food is easier said than done . According to recent research conducted by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, 1 in 5 deaths is due to a bad diet . Global studies find that people live longer but they enjoy foods that damage health . Eating a diet rich in salt and sugar but few whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy protein is the key to premature death . There are many benefits to a healthy diet.Not only will you live longer, prevent deadly diseases, and have a higher quality of life but you will also have a positive impact on your eyes, hair, healthier skin and a more productive digestive system. If none of that can convince you to start a healthy life, I don’t know what else to say ! Many refuse to live a healthy lifestyle because they feel they have to give up their indulgence in delicacies like chips, milk chocolate, greasy hamburgers and chips, fried chicken etc. This may be true but there are also many foods that are just as delicious and much more beneficial to your overall health. Giving up chocolate and sausage biscuits and choosing a healthier life overall will feel easier than you ever thought!

Benefits of a Healthy Diet for Our Eyes

Eating the right foods can prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Source: PexelsIn Indonesia, many people suffer from vision problems. Having a healthy diet at a young age with the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients can prevent you from vision problems in the future! To improve vision and avoid eye-related things like cataracts and macular degeneration, look for foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, iron, and vitamins and E. Beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in your body is also good. for consumption . Well, maybe you are now wondering, what foods contain all these minerals and vitamins? Here is a list of foods that can improve overall health:

  • Green Vegetables: kale, green spinach, and mustard greens contain lots of lutein and zeaxanthin, plant ingredients that prevent eye disorders such as cataracts and degeneration.
  • Salmon:  rich in omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that are not only sufficient for a regular diet but also contribute to overall eye health.
  • Eggs:  with nutrients such as vitamin A, eggs protect against night blindness and dry eyes and help keep your eyes healthier.
  • Legumes:  Chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils are not only great vegetarian options, they can also protect the retina and lower the potential risk of eye disease.
  • Citrus Fruits : Oranges, grapefruit, limes, and limes are great sources of Vitamin C to reduce the chances of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.

A balanced diet with a healthy diet can address potential eye problems. Taking the right vitamins either through food or dietary supplements (capsules, pills or liquids) is surprisingly easier than you think. Healthy food for a balanced diet can address potential eye problems. Taking the right vitamins either through food or dietary supplements (capsules, pills, or liquids) is easier than you think. Here is a b e how the idea of delicious recipes that contain good nutrients for eye health better:

  • Baked Halibut Nicoise Salad,
  • Stuffed Portobellos Cheese and Spinach,
  • Real Man Quiche.

The recipe is very easy to make and contains what you need to keep your eyes healthy!

The Benefits of Eating Healthy Food For Our Hair

Beautiful hair is loved by everyone. The right nutrition can make your hair shine !. Source: PixabayMen and women alike are shown to be more confident if they have healthy, strong, beautiful, and radiant hair . If you want shiny hair, a healthy diet is key. Not many people know that the condition of your hair is a sign of your mental health . There are several foods with essential nutrients that will make your hair shine like a star. Here are some foods that are good for you to eat on a healthy diet:

  • Whole Wheat : rich in biotin, iron and zinc. Biotin is an ingredient you may see advertised on one of your shampoo bottles. This is because it produces amino acids and allows cell proliferation both of which are essential for stronger hair.
  • Greek yogurt : delicious and can be eaten at any time, an abundant source of vitamin B5 also known as pantothenic acid which helps blood flow to the scalp, essential for hair growth. So that is why the Greeks have always had enviable care!
  • Almond Butter : as good as how it works. This subtle spread is a healthy source of fat, protein, and essential vitamins like vitamin E. Trials over the past 8 months revealed that those who were given regular vitamin E supplements increased hair growth by 42%!
  • Cinnamon : provides oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles.
  • Carrots : a glass of carrot juice every day will make your hair beautiful! Carrots have high levels of vitamin A, which is important for the growth of all cells, especially hair.

Excessive hair loss and brittle hair can make people aware of their appearance. Several studies have shown that hair loss and unhealthy hair are signs of a bad diet. Nutritious foods and snacks can make hair roots stronger and prevent hair loss . Eat these foods for the keys to being healthy and liked!


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The Effect of a Healthy Diet for the Skin

We all age and it’s normal but anything excess from wrinkles is the result of a poor diet, too much sun exposure and stress. Source: PixabayHealthy, youthful, and radiant skin is everyone’s desire. Many worry about the appearance and health of their skin because the epidermis is the largest organ which makes it the easiest to notice. Dry, wrinkled, acne-prone skin is often the result of stress and a poor diet . A healthy diet with the right nutrition can make your skin look younger and provide you with what you want. Taking care of your skin during youth will result in less wrinkles in the future . Here are some quality foods that will promote healthier and younger looking skin:

  • Broccoli: flowers that contain a composite called sulforaphane and have cancer-fighting properties and even fight skin cancer!
  • Tomatoes:  high in carotenoids (yellow, orange, or red pigments from plants) which are great for caring for healthy skin and making youthful. These substances need to be absorbed with healthy fats, how about making delicious bruschetta?
  • Dark Chocolate : the  effect of chocolate (cocoa) on the skin is impressive! When consuming high quality cocoa powder, regularly, the skin becomes more nourished, less dry, and rough which contributes to better blood flow and absorption of nutrients needed for healthier skin. However, we are not talking about types of chocolate. This dark chocolate with at least a cacao content of 70% is what you need.
  • Sweet Potatoes : contain high levels of beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body. This is great because it acts as a natural sunscreen that protects skin cells from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Skin cells die when they are exposed to too much sun and the threat of wrinkles increases.
  • Bell peppers : recently discovered to be one of the highest sources of vitamin C, which is important for maintaining high collagen levels in old age. Eat as many peppers as you can, resulting in skin that is not dry and wrinkled.

All of these delicacies are easy to incorporate into new recipes, and easy to find in any supermarket near you. The teenage phase is a vulnerable stage when all teenagers want acne-free skin. Therefore, to avoid acne, teenagers need to avoid oily foods that clog pores . Eating healthy as a teenager isn’t always easy but if the right foods are consumed, clearer skin will be the end result!

Benefits of a Good Diet for the Digestive System

Red tubers are a great source of fiber and other healthy nutrients that help people when they experience digestive problems.Stomach problems are all too common in today’s world. When suffering from digestive problems , gastronomy becomes a negative experience as people find themselves paying attention to what to eat so they don’t wake up at night with a stomach ache. Disorders of the digestive system stem from a poor diet , therefore eating food and starting a healthy diet can avoid these problems. One thing is for sure, good digestion improves your overall health and well-being. It’s important to find foods that are good sources of fiber . Luckily, there are lots of delicious options to choose from such as:

  • Red Tubers : a great  source of fiber, magnesium and potassium which are essential for restoring a healthy digestive system. It is best consumed raw in salads rather than cooked.
  • Blueberries:  a delicious and beneficial superfood. The high levels of fiber and vitamin C make this tiny berry beneficial for the digestive system.
  • Dried Prunes:  rich in soluble and insoluble fiber and they act as a natural laxative to get you going really fast if you have problems with constipation.
  • Cucumber :  a fantastic source of fiber and excellent for softening bowel movements that cause small bowel movements. Fresh and available in most areas. Cucumber water with lemon and mint is refreshing and healthy.

Just as there are foods beneficial for a good digestive system and a healthy diet, there are also foods to avoid that can make a long and painful struggle in the bathroom. If you are dealing with a sensitive stomach due to a recent digestive problem, avoid consuming spicy, processed, or fried foods. Also, try to stay away from caffeine and milk, both of which impede healthy digestion . Drinking lots of water, about 2 liters per day, is highly recommended to help your digestive system . During, before or after eating there is no wrong time. Fluids help your body break down food and prevent constipation.

Healthy Diet Can Prevent Various Diseases

Delicious pumpkin soup on a cold winter’s day is not only soothing but also rich in cancer-fighting benefits. Source: PixabayIt is important to note that men and women in the UK used to enjoy longer life spans, but recent years have been spent suffering from many health problems and illnesses caused by poor diet and eating habits. Many life-changing diseases and serious conditions can be treated and prevented with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Eating the right foods can prevent obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.  Regular intake of certain foods containing nutrients, minerals , and vitamins appropriate to avoid the spread of dangerous diseases in your body:

  • Pumpkin : attractive, orange, and contains a lot of beta-carotene which can reduce the risk of lung cancer.
  • Apples : the highest source of pectin available in fruit. Pectin is a soluble fiber that has many health benefits including a reduced risk of colon and breast cancer.
  • Papaya: even a small portion of papaya can exceed the daily required amount of vitamin C. Contains other powerful antioxidants that prevent potential heart disease.
  • Quinoa: was  known as the “mother of all grain” by the Incas and for some good reason. Quinoa is a complete protein and a great source of dietary fiber and can fight blood pressure and heart attacks.
  • Green Tea: Many studies have shown that inflammation from fatty foods can be reduced by drinking green tea regularly. This is because green tea contains flavonoids that fight inflammation. This should be of particular concern to those at risk of diabetes because high inflammation prevents the body from absorbing blood sugar.
  • Legumes: chickpeas, lentils, and other legumes are high in fiber and slow down the release of glucose into your bloodstream preventing sugar spikes and irregularities.

There are many things you can do to have a healthy lifestyle. As it is today, a healthy diet is not difficult to do and has many benefits. Choosing to include certain foods in your daily diet can lead to a healthier body and a happier life!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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