The best tricks for Instagram Stories

Instagram  is, without a doubt, one of the favorite social networks of millions of people around the entire planet, although not everyone knows how to get the most out of it. For this reason we are going to explain  the best tricks for Instagram Stories .

Below we will talk about the best tricks that you can use to make the most of this function within the social network:

View stories without other people knowing

To be able to  see other people’s Instagram stories without them knowing, one trick is to use the  Chrome extension, Hiddengram , which you have to download and install, and then log in to the social network. When you have it activated, you can see the stories of anyone without them knowing that you have seen them. It is a tool that for some people can be really useful.

Put GIFs in Instagram stories

A trick to be able to get more attention through your Instagram stories is using GIFs, an action that is very simple to carry out, since all you have to do is click on the sticker icon found in the top to then choose the  GIF sticker .

From that moment on, the possibility of choosing the GIF you want will open on the screen, for which you can do a search to find the one that best fits your publication. With them you can attract the attention of those who see your stories

hide your hashtags

Another of the best tricks for Instagram Stories  that you should know is to hide the hashtags or labels of the social network, being a trick that can be very useful for all those cases in which you want to use these labels in your stories but without it dirtying your publication or photograph in any way, because doing this trick is much easier than you might think.

In order to hide a hashtag, the process to follow is very simple, since  you can place them behind a gif or an emoji , but you can also make them disappear visually by placing them in the same color as the background or by inserting them at one end of the screen in the that they are not seen Neither you nor other people will be able to see them, but Instagram will record them.

Add music to your Instagram Stories

You can  add music to your Instagram stories , something that you most likely already know how to do but that can be very useful. To do this, you will only have to go to the stories and then touch the sticker button that is at the top of the stories, and then select the  Music one.

Once selected, you will be able to see how an Instagram music library opens in which you can choose between the most popular hits or search. In any case, it is important that you know that music is essential in order to get more attention from other people who see your stories.

Change the font and color of the texts

If you are going to write a text in your Instagram stories, you should keep in mind that  you can change both the font and the color . After you have written what interests you, you must click Done  , and press the circular colored button at the top of the screen to change the color of the text.

If you want to use a font that draws more attention, you can press the A button that appears right next to the colors. You must press it several times and review the different fonts that Instagram makes available to you.

Draw pictures in your stories

On the other hand, you may not know it, but  you can draw on Instagram stories , something that is very easy to do, since it is enough for you to take a photo of a background on which you want to draw or upload an image when you are going to publish a story, to then click on the button that appears next to  Aa , to draw in this way what interests you the most. From there you can let yourself be carried away by your creativity and make creations that can be very interesting.

Use applications to help your content

If you want to stand out on Instagram with respect to other users who create their content on the social network, it is recommended that you use different applications that help when creating stories and other publications, Unfold being one of the most recommended , since It has more than 250 templates and a large number of advanced tools to create stories. In this way you can take advantage of this free application (and with payment options), so that you can create stories that can have a greater impact on users.

Download your Instagram stories

On  Instagram it is very easy to download your own created stories, which can be of great help so that you can later share those same creations through other instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp or place them directly on Facebook or WhatsApp stories.

Once you take a photo or video, you can  tap on the arrow button at the top of the screen and this will immediately save the story. This option is always available to you before publishing the story.

However, if you have already published it, you also have the possibility, but in this case you will have to click on the button with the  three points that are in the lower right part, to then click on the  Save photo option . In this way you will be able to save your stories in your gallery, with the advantage that this supposes to later be able to share it with other users through different means.