What to take into account when choosing the space for my wedding?

The wedding is a time for two families to meet, it is the first time that these two families will meet with all their friends to hold this great event. A serious mistake of the bride and groom, when they start looking for a place for their wedding, is not having determined the number of guests.

Many times this first search is due to space, a place that your friend married, or a nice and different place, where the wedding of a famous star. And there is an error, because each space has the capacity to accommodate x number of people.

The first task in choosing the space is, without a doubt, the structuring of a very well made guest list. A list supported and checked by family and close friends. Immediately after defining the number of people, work begins to search for spaces.

Recalling that today the spaces provide a list of the number of people that can be seated, each format and composition of the hall, such as the school format, the dinner format, the American franc format, among others.

A big pitfall that exists in this whole process, unfortunately, is that most spaces are not serious in terms of providing the right information. Spaces where there is the possibility of placing two hundred people seated deceive the bride and groom by saying that the space holds up to four hundred people seated.

So that this doesn’t happen, a good alternative is to count on the help of an adviser, an architect friend or an event decorator, who can give you the real numbers so that you don’t fall into traps.

Once the space is chosen, there is a bureaucratic task to be performed. Before signing a contract, closing the date, it is necessary to carry out a careful analysis of how this space is in relation to the legal issue, licenses and all the necessary documentation required by the city hall and the fire department.

An event space to work needs to prove your business license. The permit entry protocol for a permit is completely different from an effective permit, that is, one thing is that the process is in progress and another is to be approved. You may be pleasantly surprised, on the eve of your event, to receive a negative response from the city.

In São Paulo, for example, as in other capitals, there are neighborhoods where it is determined that an event space may or may not work. The event space is recognized by the city as a traffic generating pole.

You can imagine what suddenly are 400 people or 400 vehicles, arriving to park at the same time on a street in a residential neighborhood, more quiet and still. The neighborhood will be blocked due to the arrival of these guests. For this reason, in large cities, city halls sector areas where events can be held.

This search for documentation, the permit, the documentation required by the fire department and health surveillance, in the case of spaces that have a buffet, is extremely important for the tranquility of the whole process.

Thus, the two main points, in my opinion, for choosing the space for your wedding are the definition of the guest list and a good preliminary study of the legal situation of the space.

by Abdullah Sam
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