These are the symptoms to know if you have depression

There are days when we can feel happy and happy and, on the contrary, others sensitive and sad. Mixed feelings that are suffered at some point in our lives. But sometimes sadness can be present for a long period of time in what can lead to mental illness , which is known as depression . It is more frequent than we think. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that it affects more than 300 million people worldwide, making it the leading cause of disability.

In many cases, people may feel melancholic, have negative thoughts, or not feel like doing anything. But how can you tell if we are sad or if we are suffering from depression? According to Laura Llobet , a psychologist at mediQuo, the 24/7 medical chat where she can consult directly with doctors and health specialists, “the first thing to keep in mind is that sadness is a totally natural emotion , such as happiness, fear or anger, but it should never be confused with depression. However, depression is a disorder It is characterized mainly by the presence of sadness most of the day, every day, and represents a change in our days.

Aware that it is a disease that affects a large part of the population and, coinciding with the European Day of Depression , which is celebrated on October 3, the psychologist at mediQuo analyzes the most common symptoms of depression:

  1. Decreased interest in activities that were previously enjoyed. Not feeling well can lead to a loss of interest in day-to-day activities.

2. Low mood or hopelessness . Low mood can greatly affect personal and work relationships and daily chores.

  1. Irritability. Some people can increase their temperament and lose their lack of control.
  2. Lack of appetite, weight variations. It manifests itself with significant weight loss or gain without dieting.
  3. Pessimism. This attitude can lead to a vicious circle from which it is sometimes very difficult to get out.
  4. Feelings of guilt. People with depression tend to blame themselves for everything that happens around them, even if they have had no responsibility.
  5. Feelings of worthlessness. Affected people often have low self-esteem and feel totally expendable, they even have the feeling of being a nuisance to the rest of the people.
  6. Insomnia. Lack of sleep can interfere with your daily routine by having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.
  7. Fatigueor loss of energy every day in any activity.
  8. Slow or restless movements(agitation or psychomotor retardation). Abnormal voluntary or involuntary movements increase.
  9. Difficulty concentrating. Ease to distract and not finish tasks.
  10. Recurring thoughts of death. Negative thoughts that come to mind over and over again.

Keep in mind that, to talk about depression, the symptoms mentioned above should appear almost every day for at least two weeks . In addition, the symptoms cause discomfort that affects, among others, the social and work environment.

Many people with depression do not receive help or treatment, either because they have failed to detect that they have depression, or because they believe that depression cannot be treated. Therefore, Laura Llobet highlights the importance that “all people who believe that they may be suffering from the aforementioned symptoms go to a specialist , who can determine exactly if they need treatment and which is the most appropriate.


by Abdullah Sam
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