Ten foolproof tips to stay motivated if you run

Consistency, motivation and discipline are the necessary elements to maintain a daily sport routine, but in the case of running it is difficult to maintain high perseverance. Many scientific studies have confirmed that the habit of running can improve mood in addition to the physical benefits that are achieved such as delaying cognitive degeneration or aging.

“Going for a run to reflect is the best way to let things go and stress . One relaxes better while disconnecting from a busy day. Creativity is enhanced by the extra oxygen in the body. Plus, it’s great for coming up with new ideas or finding solutions to problems, ”explains Freeletics expert Thomas Falda-Buscaiot. That is why, from this banner they advise that each person discover their best time of day to play sports. They insist that what is really important is having willpower and being constant to stay active and be healthy.

Follow these motivational tips to enjoy sports and, above all, to run.

  1. Write your goals

It doesn’t matter if the targets are big or small. The important thing is that they are realistic, specific and achievable. The first thing is to put the objectives on paper. When they are written it is easier to remember them. Place them somewhere where they can be seen, such as on the refrigerator door, for easy viewing on a daily basis.

2. Schedule your training and set motivation alarms

Plan every day, every week, and every workout. If consistency is not your forte, schedule training meetings on the calendar. You can also plan workouts with your friends. In this way, you are less likely to forget the training or leave your partner standing. “If you decide to set alarms or reminders on the phone, try to write motivational messages that will encourage your future self to get up and go running with extra encouragement,” they explain from Freeletics.

  1. Go for a walk

If you still don’t know if you want to start running, start with something simple: take a walk. Put on your running clothes and walk for only 15 minutes. As soon as you are out, there is a better chance that you will end up running or walking at a faster pace.

  1. Put on your running clothes

Putting on sports clothes encourages you to go out. If you want to go for a run in the morning, leave the clothes next to the bed and place the running shoes in front of the door of the room. This way, it will be the first thing you see when you get up and break that thought of resignation. If you see all the equipment prepared, the chances that you will go running are much higher than if you have to prepare it at that moment. If you prefer the afternoon to run, change the moment you get home and leave the tasks for later.

  1. Listen to music that motivates you

Music is the faithful companion of the athlete. Nowadays you can’t imagine going to the gym or going for a run without listening to music. You can start with a short playlist to do specific workouts. Little by little, create a longer list. It should be your motivation to go out and always listen to the songs that most encourage you.

  1. Less is more

If you intend to run long distances in the end you will end up exhausted and without the desire to continue running. The ideal is to make short and fast races. Routines like those proposed by Freeletics Running are perfect for this: you run for a short period of time, but you burn as many, or usually more, calories than long-distance running. Seeing your progress and how you are increasing will be the ideal motivation for you to give your maximum at all times.

  1. Reward yourself

It is easier to motivate yourself when there is a reward or end goal. Therefore, make a list of possible prizes such as a day of relaxation at home, a movie from the cinema that catches your attention, a healthy sweet or a special getaway.

  1. Remember where you started

Prepare a progress journal. It is important to document from the first day your achievements and progress. Take note of what doesn’t make you happy, what you want to change, your weight, your measurements, your feelings. And, whenever you think your training is getting too hard, or wonder why you’re trying so hard, read what you wrote at the beginning and where you want to go.

  1. Enjoy your races

Don’t let your careers get boring. As soon as you see that your training is more of a task than a diversion, you are probably about to give up. Try to carry out our tips so that you enjoy running more. The important thing is to keep the training fresh and the mind motivated.

  1. Commit yourself

If you think you really don’t feel like going for a run, make a commitment to yourself and think that it will only be ten minutes, a quiet race without overexertion. In most cases, you’ll end up running more distance when you’re away. And if today really isn’t the day, you can go home after 10 minutes and try another day. Either way, it would be better than doing nothing.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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