Suede (color)

The chamois color , also called the chamois color, sarrio color, isard color and suede orange, corresponds to the predominant coloration of the summer coat of the bovid also called chamois, chamois, sarrio or isard (Rupicapra sp.). It is a light orange, with moderate saturation, which is standardized, which is why it usually appears in color catalogs.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Data
  • 3 Uses
  • 4 References


From the old Castilian gamuça, camuça, and this from the medieval Latin chamos, from the late camox1, attested for the first time in the work of Polemio Silvio, of uncertain origin. Compare the Catalan camussa, the French chamois, the Italian camoscia, camoscio, camozza, the Occitan camous, the Portuguese camuça or the Rumanche camuotsch, chamotsch. The OED suggests a possible relationship with the German Gämse, although the relationship between the Romance and Germanic terms is uncertain.


  • The Suede Color is of the Light Brown type
  • Suede color is approximately Light Brown. Some of the characteristics that we can highlight of it are the following.
  • The shades of brown called light brown have almost the same properties as brown but with shades more suitable for decoration.
  • The origin of light brown comes from the French where it is the translation of the word chestnut, although curiously in French the color brown is generally called brun, although the word brown is also used.
  • Light brown originates from chestnut, but it is unspecific, that is, it is no longer faithful to its original reference.


  • This color is widely used in furniture and paintings.


by Abdullah Sam
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