
Gray color . Color found in nature. It is created by mixing black and white in different proportions.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Meaning of the color gray
  • 3 Symbolism
  • 4 Gray range
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Sources


The word gray derives probably from Provençal gris, this from medieval Latin griseus, and this from Proto-Germanic * grisja–, ‘gray’.

Meaning of the color gray

The color gray is associated with independence, self-sufficiency, self-control, because it is a color that acts as a shield from external influences. However, gray can generate negative feelings; dense dark gray clouds, fog and smoke. Gray is the color of evasion, regardless of whether it is light gray or dark gray. This is related to separating from everything, staying outside of everything, and fleeing from imposed commitments. Inevitably, this color leads you to be overly critical of yourself. However, if you can learn from self-criticism and take action, you will be able to achieve positive results both from an organizational point of view and in your ability to compromise with others. The color gray is associated with the signs Gemini and Aquarius. Color keywords gray: stability,


  • A ‘gray life’ expresses an existence without much meaning or purpose.
  • A ‘gray person’ is one who is sad or goes unnoticed.
  • In a moral sense, gray is used to pejoratively describe situations that have no clear moral value.
  • Gray is associated with autumn , bad weather and sadness.
  • The substance that makes up the brain is often called ‘ gray matter ‘, and for that reason color is associated with the intellectual.
  • The color of many metals is gray, steel having that color, gray is related to machines.
  • The color of the mists is also gray, romanticism is abandoned to this type of melancholy state.
  • The color of the ash is gray, in Lent in the late Middle Ages, the grisailles painted on the covers of some paintings were admired.

Gray range

They are neutral colors, made up of equal amounts of red, green and blue. The gray colors all have a hexadecimal RGB expression of the type #QQQQQQ, that is, all six equal characters. Grays are the ideal colors to express seriousness, ambiguity, elegance, although they are by nature somewhat sad colors.

In general, the hues in the upper part of the spectrum (red, orange, yellow) tend to be perceived as more energetic and extroverted, while those in the lower parts (green, blue, purple) tend to appear more calm and introverted.

Greens and blues are perceived as calm, relaxed and calming. At the same time, reds, oranges, and yellows are perceived as warm colors, while blues, greens, and violets are considered cool colors.

Different hues also produce different impressions of distance: a blue or green object appears further away than a red, orange or brown. It must always be borne in mind that the perception of a color depends to a large extent on the area occupied by it, being very difficult to appreciate the effect of a certain color if it is located in a small area, especially if it is surrounded by other colors .

by Abdullah Sam
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