Violet color

Violet color. Name it takes from the violet plant. It refers to the set of reddish-blue or bluish-purple colors.


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  • 1 The color violet
    • 1 The meaning of the color violet
  • 2 Physical applications
  • 3 Benefits of violet color
  • 4 Source

The color violet

In particular, it refers to the color of light with a shorter wavelength, which is at the end of the visible spectrum. Its wavelength is between 420 and 380 nanometers. They are the highest frequency waves perceivable by the human eye .

Light waves with a frequency higher than violet are called ultraviolet. True spectral violet cannot be reproduced on a computer screen . You can see the color by looking at the reflection of a fluorescent tube on a compact disc .

The meaning of the color violet

Key note:

  • Purification
  • Transmultation
  • Practical spirituality

These colors have a profound effect on the mind and are used by psychiatrists as an aid, to calm and reassure patients, who suffer from mental and nervous problems.

These colors balance the mind and help transform obsessions and fears.

  • Indigo is a very powerful color for the psyche, it is associated with the functioning of the brain and is a stimulant of imagination and intuition. It is also a strong sendante.
  • Violet and purple are colors of transformation at the highest spiritual and mental level, capable of fighting fear and bringing peace. They have a cleansing effect on emotional disorders. They also connect with musical and artistic impulses, mystery and sensitivity to beauty and great ideals, inspiring sensitivity, spirituality and compassion.
  • Violet can exert strong influences, however, people who are attracted to it must be careful not to get carried away and live in a fantasy world.

The color purple is associated with psychic protection.

These colors are associated with the signs:

  • Pisces
  • Aquarium
  • Sagittarius

Indigo, Violet and Purple Keywords:

  • Wisdom
  • Creativity
  • Independence
  • Dignity
  • Serenity
  • Change
  • Transgression

Physical applications

Bone system, nervous system, vein disorders, tumors and cancerous states, it primarily affects the crown chakra. It acts on the skeleton and the nervous system. Antiseptic action, purifies both physically and spiritually. Restore the balance between physical and spiritual energies. Cancer states, arthritis , assimilation of nutrients and minerals.

Arouses inspiration and humility, and encourages dream activity (dreams). Violet can give us access to our past lives, especially when they affect our current health somewhat.

True violet is made up of fifty percent red and fifty percent blue. It represents the balance between the physical and the spiritual. It returns the correct perspective in relation to the banal aspects of existence, and also to the spiritual ones, to which it confers practical sense.

Benefits of violet color

If you are a follower of the theory of the Chakras you will know very well that colors are not only to paint, or combine, but also have an effect on energy, humor, and of course on a physical level. In this case, violet is a color that is not only in fashion, but also using its energy represents spiritual benefits that affect physical health .

Violet is the last color in the spectrum, and therefore it is the last color that the human eye is capable of perceiving. It has the masculine energy that comes from red , and the feminine one that it acquires from blue , hence its balancing power. It is the color of maturity, balance, thinking mentality, logic, and reason.

Everything that necessarily requires material progress, advantage, and utility, is favored by the vibrations of the color violet. That act as excitators of nerve cells stimulating spiritual growth, since they generate more performance of mental activity. This color influences nerve function, since it has an important role as an intermediary between lung and blood function. As an intermediate color, it has a vital function for physiological balance, and is very effective for those who have digestive processes related to nervousness.

At a medical level, this color is recommended for lymph, which is the body fluid that runs through the lymphatic vessels. In the event that a glass suffers an obstruction, the liquid can accumulate causing swelling, that is, it helps prevent edema, since violet is restorative to the glass . Violet is used for inflammations, for major shocks, for contusions, neuralgia, and mainly as protection for families. Violet, much more than an option within the color palette.


by Abdullah Sam
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