The study of human psychology

What is human psychology as the science of man and why does each of us need it in terms of its study? Dear readers, let us answer these questions together, and let us answer them as correctly and comprehensively as possible, without substituting the various stereotypes that exist in our heads as answers in order to draw the most objective conclusions based on a competent analysis of everything that you and I know about psychology. This will help us understand what knowledge is really important to us, why it is important to us, and what qualities we should develop in ourselves in order to perfectly master this knowledge.

The study of human psychology, in my deep conviction, is the most important moment in our education and development, affecting key aspects of our life. First of all, we ourselves should know exactly ourselves, in order to competently dispose of all our opportunities and live a full life. We can study our nature, our behavior, our thinking and psyche through the study of psychology, and this knowledge for us, perhaps, will be the most important knowledge in life, which no one bothers us with. I will not write about what is meant by the human psyche that psychology is studying, you probably already know that any textbook on psychology will tell you about this. We will approach the issue of understanding the importance of studying human psychology in a deeper way, without discussing the need to study it in terms of our current individual problems and interests. We will take a look at this issue with the general need for all of us to study this subject.

Dear friends, please devote your precious attention and time to this my article in which I will try to convey to you my thoughts that have been formed in me over many years of studying psychology and the subsequent application of the knowledge I have gained in practice. I will not write any platitudes that you can read in numerous sources devoted to psychology. My task is, firstly, to focus your attention on the knowledge you need, from my point of view, and secondly, to show you what their need and usefulness is for you. Enough of edifying and instructive texts, we will discard all this didacticism, and together we will just think about those things that really matter to us. To understand what we can achieve in life through the study of human psychology,

Suppose if you learn to play the piano from childhood, and if you are not just forced to do it, but will help you to love this lesson, then the likelihood that a good pianist will grow out of you will naturally be very high. If you will study the device and the principle of the car, doing it diligently and with love and seeing for yourself that makes sense, then most likely you will make a very good car mechanic. But what about human psychology, being a science about ourselves, can give us and you if we study it carefully? Yes, in general, everything she can give us everything in this life. Indeed, directly or indirectly, all our activities and our entire lives are reduced to interacting with other people, and our position in society will depend on how successfully we interact with each other. the standard of our life and our internal state. You will cease to be angry with people, cease to hate and be afraid of them, if you just learn how to manage these people, learn how to approach them and achieve the results you need from them. How then can you hate someone, how can you be afraid of those on whom your well-being depends? It’s like with a computer: when you understand it, it’s easier for you to work with it, because you know what and how you need to do it so that it works in the way you need. Man, for all his shortcomings, is the most valuable resource on this planet, because it is man who creates all the blessings that surround us today. Just a person, if I may say so, you need to be able to cook, but for this you need to know, well, you yourself know what. stop hating and fearing them, if you just learn how to manage these people, learn how to approach them and get the results you need from them. How then can you hate someone, how can you be afraid of those on whom your well-being depends? It’s like with a computer: when you understand it, it’s easier for you to work with it, because you know what and how you need to do it so that it works in the way you need. Man, for all his shortcomings, is the most valuable resource on this planet, because it is man who creates all the blessings that surround us today. Just a person, if I may say so, you need to be able to cook, but for this you need to know, well, you yourself know what. stop hating and fearing them, if you just learn how to manage these people, learn how to approach them and get the results you need from them. How then can you hate someone, how can you be afraid of those on whom your well-being depends? It’s like with a computer: when you understand it, it’s easier for you to work with it, because you know what and how you need to do it so that it works in the way you need. Man, for all his shortcomings, is the most valuable resource on this planet, because it is man who creates all the blessings that surround us today. Just a person, if I may say so, you need to be able to cook, but for this you need to know, well, you yourself know what. How then can you hate someone, how can you be afraid of those on whom your well-being depends? It’s like with a computer: when you understand it, it’s easier for you to work with it, because you know what and how you need to do it so that it works in the way you need. Man, for all his shortcomings, is the most valuable resource on this planet, because it is man who creates all the blessings that surround us today. Just a person, if I may say so, you need to be able to cook, but for this you need to know, well, you yourself know what. How then can you hate someone, how can you be afraid of those on whom your well-being depends? It’s like with a computer: when you understand it, it’s easier for you to work with it, because you know what and how you need to do it so that it works in the way you need. Man, for all his shortcomings, is the most valuable resource on this planet, because it is man who creates all the blessings that surround us today. Just a person, if I may say so, you need to be able to cook, but for this you need to know, well, you yourself know what. it is the most valuable resource on this planet, because it is man who creates all the blessings that surround us today. Just a person, if I may say so, you need to be able to cook, but for this you need to know, well, you yourself know what. it is the most valuable resource on this planet, because it is man who creates all the blessings that surround us today. Just a person, if I may say so, you need to be able to cook, but for this you need to know, well, you yourself know what.

What do you think, dear friends, that one percent of the people who control the remaining ninety-nine percent of the world’s population know best? Do you think these people are first-class car mechanics, or maybe they are great engineers, lawyers, accountants, economists, musicians, or great mathematicians? Maybe they are good financiers, economists? After all, they say that being a financier is very profitable, you’ll always be with money, and money supposedly rules the world with us. So, maybe, powerful people are well versed in this issue? What other options could there be, think. No, friends, these people are well aware of human psychology, they know about our instincts and know how to control them, they know the laws of our behavior, the principle of our psyche, they understand the way we think, on which this behavior is based, in general, these people know everything about us. For them, man is not a mystery; for them, man is a very primitive creature that is easy to control by acting on it in various ways.

When you know and understand how something works, or in this case, someone works, you can always set something up in the way you need, so that it works the way you want. And for those in power, we, dear friends, are just devices for various purposes, which they use at their discretion, knowing how to control us and how to manipulate us. Psychological knowledge helps them very well in this, because it is precisely this knowledge that is the key to the minds and hearts of people. And you can use this knowledge in different ways. It is possible with the same religion to brainwash people, or you can print a huge amount of unsecured money and then buy any goods made by people for that money. It doesn’t matter what people believe in: in money, in different gods there, in truth, in promising advertising or something else – if only they believed for it is this blind faith that makes them slaves to someone else’s idea. Moreover, any idea can be endowed with great power, the main thing is to be able to convey this idea to people so that it captivates their minds and begins to manage them, then it will become an excellent tool for managing society in the hands of its founder.

But psychology, as a science that studies the human psyche, is needed not so much for managing other people as for managing ourselves in the first place, or better, for us to understand ourselves. I do not consider the issue of human manipulation as an occasion to study psychology. And this is not a matter of morality, which, of course, must also be adhered to, but of the priority of the importance of one’s own personality for oneself. After all, this is what we and we determine for ourselves who we will be in this life and how we will be in this life, it is we, the most important person for ourselves in life, and not someone else, and on ourselves, and not on with another, we should concentrate our attention first of all. And in order to correctly determine for ourselves the role we need in this life, we must be able to manage ourselves and should understand ourselves well, so that, firstly, not to allow external factors to determine our internal state and our worldview through our manipulations, and secondly, to know exactly what we really need in life, based on our own reasonable conclusions about it. This all contributes to the study of the human psyche, through the study of psychology. Psychology helps us to understand many of the laws of our behavior, on which our life depends to a large extent.

It is desirable to study human psychology together with the study of philosophy. I will explain why. When we study psychology, you and I get ready-made knowledge in the form of determining the meaning and determining the laws of our behavior. In fact, in the usual study of psychology, we adopt all the information that we are teaching in a finished form and then, guided by this information, try to understand something for ourselves from the point of view of psychology. But this understanding, based only on the knowledge of psychology, is not enough. It’s not enough to just be a living textbook, a living library filled with knowledge, you still need to be able to think, that is, be able to process the knowledge we have, and also be able to analyze and filter all new knowledge that comes to us.

Thinking must be developed in itself, it is a very important quality in a person, vital. It is precisely the thoughts that they try to deprive us from childhood, when they postulated to us all sorts of knowledge, which we do not think is possible to test for reality. We are not only taught to think, but taught to believe in the authenticity of the knowledge that we receive in classical education. This is no good, because you will never be able to perfectly study such a subject as psychology if you do not think. Here, pay attention to the answers you have that you are ready to give to this or that question. For example, what can you say about the origin of man – where did you and I come from? Do you have an answer to this question? Is this your answer the result of your in-depth analysis of all available options for answering this question, after which you can reasonably justify your answer? Or, perhaps, this is the answer that was imposed on you, and you simply believe in its truth? Think carefully about your answer, about your knowledge, and most importantly, about your ability to think, because all this together affects the life that you live.

Philosophy develops thinking in man as such, it does not give us answers to our questions, it helps us to search for them ourselves and thereby makes us real people. With the help of philosophy, the study of human psychology, the study of our psyche and thinking becomes more lively and interesting, since there are still enough riddles in us and we do not know all of our possibilities. And when you study psychology not just taking over raw knowledge, you, my friends, gradually begin to open up a true picture of the nature of man and the world that he created for himself. The most important thing for each of us, and I noted this in my very first article, is to be realistic and to see ourselves and our life in its true light. In principle, you cannot make the right decisions in life if you are held captive by the illusions imposed on you, and although reality is not so beautiful at times as we want to see it in our imagination, but in it, in any case, you and I have enormous opportunities. But in order to take advantage of these opportunities, you need to understand how this world works, by what laws it lives, what a person is and what his needs and desires are. A person is a machine, and the more you know about this machine, the easier it will be to drive it. Anyone who knows how to manage people, who knows how to subordinate them to their will and their interests, will always occupy a high position in society. Knowledge about a person is the most valuable knowledge in this world. how this world works, by what laws it lives, what a person is and what his needs and desires are. A person is a machine, and the more you know about this machine, the easier it will be for you to drive it. Anyone who knows how to manage people, who knows how to subordinate them to their will and their interests, will always occupy a high position in society. Knowledge about a person is the most valuable knowledge in this world. how this world works, by what laws it lives, what a person is and what his needs and desires are. A person is a machine, and the more you know about this machine, the easier it will be to drive it. Anyone who knows how to manage people, who knows how to subordinate them to their will and their interests, will always occupy a high position in society. Knowledge about a person is the most valuable knowledge in this world.

To me, as a psychologist, people constantly turn for help, which I provide in such a way as to not only help to analyze this or that situation in people’s lives, but also to teach them how to do this analysis on their own. I think this is really correct and real help, which does not make people dependent on other people’s thinking and on other people’s knowledge. People often ask to help them understand what is the cause of their life problems, and when I delve into each individual problem, I see, first of all, the lack of understanding among people of the elementary life patterns on which their problems are based. Many people want to quickly and effectively solve their problems, but this, in principle, cannot be done if a person is far from understanding the laws of his problems. After all, being lost in life, a person must first get out of the captivity of his illusions, and after that you can gradually begin to understand why a particular problem appeared at all. And getting out of the world of illusions and stereotypes is sometimes very difficult, because, you understand, the habit has great strength, the habit of living with an understanding that is far from reality. This is like with a business, it is extremely difficult to learn the meaning of a person who is used to working for money for an uncle, he simply does not understand the essence of the business, since it was taught to him how to work for many years. As a rule, we can only do what we were taught, if we ourselves do not teach anything. the habit of living with an understanding far from reality. This is like with a business, it is extremely difficult to learn the meaning of a person who is used to working for money for an uncle, he simply does not understand the essence of the business, since it was taught to him how to work for many years. As a rule, we can only do what we were taught, if we ourselves do not teach anything. the habit of living with an understanding far from reality. This is like with a business, it is extremely difficult to learn the meaning of a person who is used to working for money for an uncle, he simply does not understand the essence of the business, since it was taught to him how to work for many years. As a rule, we can only do what we were taught, if we ourselves do not teach anything.

In the same way, we often cannot figure out our life precisely because of our lack of basic knowledge about ourselves and because of our lack of proper thinking, with which we can analyze ourselves and our lives. That is why, dear readers, you should study not only human psychology, but also philosophy, you need not only to have knowledge useful for you, but also to be able to analyze this knowledge. In general, my friends, it would be nice to be interested in all the sciences that directly or indirectly study a person, giving, of course, the priority of psychology, which more than others allows us to study our behavior in depth. I will not say anything about sociology, this is the same psychology, but applicable to the masses, and studying it will not be difficult for you if you properly study human psychology. By the way let’s think with you what it means to study properly, how can we study psychology in order to understand that we understand something in it? Well, first of all, of course, it should be said about the self-control that we get as we study psychology, and also about understanding ourselves and those around us, thanks to which we always know with whom and how we should behave and from whom what to expect.

Of course, the standard of our life, in principle, should and will grow if we learn to competently interact with people, since this interaction will allow us to receive from society the benefits that it produces on mutually beneficial conditions. Personally, I can’t imagine a specialist in the field of psychology who cannot sell their services to them in a way that is advantageous for themselves and other people. In order to always live in abundance in this life and occupy the most advantageous and most convenient position in society, it is necessary to be useful to people and be able to draw attention to the majority as a person who is very important and necessary for most people. And this is impossible to achieve if you do not learn to understand this very majority of people. Well, think for yourself what you need in order to earn the amount of money you need? People pay you money giving you them as a means of exchanging your labor for your work. Therefore, it is necessary to interest most people with themselves and their services, or their goods, for which they will be happy to pay you. Can you do this if you are far from understanding what people need and why they need it? I think the answer to this question is obvious to everyone.

In this case, one can, of course, use the knowledge of psychology to impose on people what they really don’t need to do, by manipulating human desires, which, incidentally, we observe today in our society of consumer madness, when people are stimulated to consume in different ways . But this is not the best way to arrange your life, because any kind of deception undermines people’s trust in you when they learn about it, and without trust in the long term, it will not be possible to take a stable position in society. Here, pay attention to how advertising is becoming more and more aggressive today, as its less aggressive form ceases to affect some people, along with the fact that it is impudently lying and people stop trusting it. A lie does not live long, for a lie is violence, but nobody likes it,

And given that deception is a peculiar form of violence against a person, it is better to direct knowledge of psychology not to manipulate other people, but to skillful cooperation with them, then it will be possible not to give rise to hatred of people for themselves, but deep respect and trust. In general, my friends, I’m showing you everything that you yourself can see if you pay attention to the society in which you live and think about the laws of life in this society. Indeed, the understanding that psychology affects all aspects of our life with you is obvious, there’s even nothing to think about: everything that is connected with people is all psychology. And if the study of psychology is not reflected in your life in a positive way on your life, then you are either somehow studying it incorrectly, or you are a bad student. Here are the criteria for studying psychology properly.

Если вы научитесь находить общий язык с большинством людей, ну какие у вас в жизни могут быть проблемы? Про отношения между людьми и про социальную иерархию говорить особо нечего,- все это прямо связано с вашим понимаем людей. С людьми вы ладите настолько успешно, насколько хорошо вы их понимаете. И если вы умеете ладить с людьми, не будет у вас проблем ни в отношениях, ни с вашим положением в обществе, ибо вы всегда сможете сделать так, чтобы люди в вас нуждались больше, чем вы в них. Я буду искренне счастлив, если многие из вас, после прочтения этой статьи и самостоятельного ее анализа, склонятся к необходимости изучения психологии человека, как наиболее важного для себя предмета изучения.

Many of our social problems are connected with the fact that some of us are inadequate, selfish, immoral and irresponsible people with an extremely low level of awareness. If people developed in the right way, if they understood themselves and those around them, would be able to think and make balanced, rational decisions, would we allow ourselves to live in a mindless society of selfish consumers, in which man is wolf to man? The answer, friends, is yours. The study of human psychology, together with the study of philosophy, definitely changes people for the better, and I want to note, dear friends, that people do not change for the better in terms of their servility to society, but for themselves first of all. We simply won’t make mistakes we don’t need if we are sufficiently developed beings who understand the essence and meaning of their nature.

И психология, и философия, если вы их будете изучать, поспособствуют повышению уровня вашей осознанности, благодаря которому вы будете достаточно мудрыми и умиротворенными людьми. Вы сами подумайте над этим, я не хочу ни в чем никого убеждать, я хочу, чтобы вы думали и видели, каким именно образом я увязываю наше с вами общее благо со знаниями психологии и умением каждого из нас мыслить. Хорошо, если вы прекрасно разбираетесь в компьютерах, хорошо, если из вас получился отличный юрист, экономист, строитель, слесарь, военный, ученый и так далее. Но будет просто замечательно, если вы вдобавок к этим своим достижениям начнете изучать психологию человека, а также философию, дабы в значительной степени расширить для себя миропонимание и открыть в себе новые возможности.

Know yourself, know this world, learn to live in it happily and with meaning, then you will be completely satisfied with your life, every moment of it, regardless of the successes that you will achieve in this life. There is nothing complicated in the study of psychology, you just need to get carried away with it and study it, not just listening to the “raw” knowledge, but to be an observant person and be able to analyze information perceived from the outside world. You know, my friends, those in power, you need a problem society, thoughtless and independent, only such people can they rule. But if you wait for changes from yourself, and not from those who undertake to solve all your problems for you, then you will ultimately wait for these changes. And fail me in this place, if it will not be a change for the better.

So if you want to be a good car mechanic or a good economist, you can study the device of the car and the economy, then you will find application in society, plugging you a niche that other people need. But if you want to live a full life, a happy life in which you decide who you will be and how you will be, study human psychology as the most important subject in life. Having properly studied human psychology, you are guaranteed to be in control of most aspects of your life, and possibly not only yours. Just as an excellent knowledge of a computer allows a person to work on it as efficiently as possible, you, dear friends, knowing perfectly the nature of a person, you can use this knowledge for competent and efficient work, especially on yourself, and for your interaction with others by people.

I once wrote that the most valuable thing for us in this life is our mind. But now I understand that I was wrong. Not the mind, but our attention to certain things, including ourselves, has a higher value for us, since our attention allows us to engage our mind in the direction we need. It is our attention that determines in which direction our mind will work, and it is important for us to choose this direction for ourselves. You, friends, need to realize what is really important for you in life, what knowledge and what your personal qualities that you should develop will be most valuable to you. And then, when you decide on this, you should switch to this, which is really important for you, your attention.

To determine for yourself the most important thing, as I did, having determined human psychology as an important subject for study, you must correctly analyze and weigh everything with the same mind. If today you make your choice in favor of less important and necessary knowledge for you, then tomorrow this choice will lead you to a less quality and less interesting life, because, as they say, what you sow, you will reap. I honestly, without any bias, draw your attention, dear friends, to the most important knowledge for you and to your most important qualities that you need to develop for your own good. But it is important for me that you understand why I decided so. Do not take my words for granted and do not evaluate them as right or wrong, just think over everything that I told you. And then make your own decision about what and why you should study, and what your qualities you need to develop in the first place. In my opinion, life makes it clear to us what knowledge and skills we most need in it.

You yourself, dear readers, must and you can answer the question of what psychology is and why it is needed in terms of its study. Let it be the answer that will be formed precisely in your own head, based on your own conclusions. I, in turn, hope that my article will contribute to your wise conclusion regarding everything that I wrote. Thank you, dear friends, for reading this article to the end; If you have questions about it for me or if you want to express your opinion about what you read, please do not hesitate, in the “Free consultation” section you can always ask me any questions you may have and share your thoughts. I will be very grateful to you for your activity, because it really matters to me how my articles are useful to you and how well you understand them.