Spirulina: what are the benefits and what is it used for

Spirulina is an alga that contains many substances that are important from a therapeutic point of view. It is rich in mineral salts , such as iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium, iodine, carbohydrates, and vitamins (such as vitamin A, D, K and B vitamins).

Spirulina: all properties

The properties of Spirulina are well known and due to the content of important substances such as:

  • biliproteins , vegetable proteins predigested by the algae and for this reason are easily assimilated;
  • vitamins A, B, D, K, E ;
  • essential fatty acids with a prevalence of omega-6 useful for normalizing cholesterol in the blood, improving the immune system and collaborating in the formation of myelin sheaths aimed at covering the nerves;
  • phenylalanine ;
  • minerals such as iron;
  • trace elements .

Spirulina: what are the benefits and what is it used for

Promotes the health of the cardiovascular system, eyes and brain

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps increase the energy level
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair
  • Fights age-related degenerative eye maculopathy
  • Promotes bone health
  • Gives green energy (includes Ecodieta)
  • It is a natural weight control, it increases fat oxidation
  • It is a source of vegetable protein and vitamin B-12 for vegetarians
  • Reduces cholesterol and PMS
  • It is ideal for fasting and cleansing programs of the body
  • Gives energy and resistance to athletes and body builders
  • It is an excellent food ideal for the growth of children.


Spirulina is very useful to our body . Used as a supplement, it can help athletes to get more energy.It also has the ability to reduce the sense of hunger due to the presence of phenylalanine.


  • vegetable proteins : contains all 8 essential amino acids, namely methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, tenilalanine, threonine, tryptophan and vaniline. These serve our body to form proteins. Its protein content is even better than eggs, milk, fish, meat and soy;
  • essential fatty acids : such as linolenic acid (omega 3) and linoleic acid (omega 6) important for regulating cholesterol and fats;
  • vitamins A, C, D, E, K, plus those of group B (B1, B2, B3);
  • many mineral salts such as iron, calcium and magnesium and also microminerals such as manganese, chromium, copper, zinc and selenium.
by Abdullah Sam
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