Spelling rules

Spelling rules . Spelling according to Ricardo Laurens is the part of grammar that teaches how to write correctly, due to the correct use of letters and other auxiliary signs of writing.


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  • 1 Spelling
  • 2 Rules for the use of b
    • 1 Examples:
    • 2 Examples:
  • 3 Rules of the use of the g and j
  • 4 Rules for using c, s, z, and x
  • 5 Rules for using the m & n
  • 6 Rules for the use of Y and ll
  • 7 Source


According to the Encarta Dictionary, it is a set of rules that regulate the writing of a language or the correct way of writing, respecting the rules of spelling.
Whatever the concept of spelling, we can realize that spelling always involves the correct spelling of words; Hence, for its object it uses uppercase and lowercase letters, accents, graphics, punctuation marks , such as a period, a comma, a semicolon, a colon, an ellipsis, the final point, question mark exclamation mark, parenthesis, hyphen, dash, parenthesis .

Rules for the use of b

  • They are written with B, the Imperfect Imperfect endings of the Indicative Mood of the verb Ir and the verbs ending in ar.

Examples: Loving – loved; Go – go; dream – dreamed; stroll – strolled.

  • They are written with b, the endings in bundo, bunda, bility.

Exceptions: mobility, civility Examples: vagrant, nauseating, kindness, affability, skill.

  • Words that start with abu, abo, ebu are written with B.

Exceptions: avugo, avulsion, bustard, avocar, avocastro, avocatero. Examples: boil , boil , abuse, dull, bulky, abominable.

  • They are written with B, the words that begin with bur, bus, buz.

Examples: taunt, diver , search, mailbox, bureaucrat , bust .

  • The words that have rr in their writing are written with B.

Exceptions: rail, corrosive, wart, corrective, wart. Examples: sweeping, slum, eraser, calf, bellowing, donkey .

  • They are written with B, the words that begin with is.

Exceptions: swastika, skew, esvarón. Examples: outline slender esbarizar, Minion , esbronce.

  • B is written after the letter m.

Examples: navel, ambulance, beautify, indelible, beardless, imbue.

  • Verbs ending in aber and their conjugations are written with B.

Exception: beware. Examples: know, have, fit.

  • They are written with B, all verbs ending in bir, buir and their conjugations.

Exceptions: boil, serve, live. Examples: write, write, wrote; contribute, contribute, contribute; receive, we receive.

  • They are written with B, the words that begin with tur, tri.

Exceptions: trivial, trivalent, triumvirate. Examples: tribe, tribute , tribune, trouble, turbine, trouble, cloudy.

  • They are written with B, the words that start with al, ha, he.

Exceptions: alveo, alveario, alverjilla, alluvión, havo, havar, hevicultor Examples: albaca, executor, bricklayer, have, skilled, habanera, Hebrew.

  • They are written with B, the words that begin with the syllables la, ta, cu, are written B immediately after them.

Exceptions: lavender, enema, lava, wash with its derivatives and compounds. Examples: lips, work, board, Cuba , taboo, tab.

  • Words that begin with the syllables ra, su, ti, are written with B, and are written B immediately after them.

Exceptions: Ravenala, ravenés, ravioli. Examples: rage, radish, rabanero, auction, revolt, Tiberio.

  • They are written with B, the words that begin with biz, bis, bi (from Latin two).

Exceptions: vizcaíno, vizconde, vizcaya, vizcacha. Examples: bicolor, bident, leap, biscuit, bisyllabic, cross-eyed, great-grandchild, or great-grandchild.

  • They are written with B, the words that begin with well or are composed with bene (from Latin well).

Exceptions: Vienna , comes, seeing, belly, wind. Examples: benefactor, bliss, benefactor, beneficence, well-being, well-spoken.

  • They are written with B, the words that start with bea, bibl.

Exceptions: see, let’s see, see, etc. Examples: blessed, beatific, bearnaise, library, bible .

  • They are written with B, the voices ending in ilaba, ilabo.

Examples: Monosyllable – ba, double syllable – ba, trisyllable – ba.

  • B is written at the end of the syllable and the end of the word.

Examples: get, gift, get, Jacob, club.

  • They are written with B, the conjugations of the verbs drink and duty.

Examples: drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drank, drank; should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should.

  • They are written with B, the infinitives and almost all the tenses of the following verbs.

Examples: fit: fit, fit, fit, fit, etc. have: speak, there was, etc. know: knew, we know, etc.

  • B is written before another consonant.

Examples: table, town, talk, wire, joke, abrupt.

  • Words that begin with bat are written with B.

Exceptions: vate, Vatican , prediction, watt. Examples: battle , sweet potato, bat, drums, bat, whisk.

  • Words that start with ca, car, ce are written with B.

Exceptions: caviar , cavern, cavity, carvajal, dig. Examples: horse , hair, onion , zebu, head , carbonate .

  • They are written with B, the words that start with you, see.

Exceptions: The verb have in some of its tenses and modes: had, we had, they had, etc. Examples: tuber , tubes, pipe, verb, verbena, verbal.

  • V is written after: b, d, n.


B: subversion, subvert, obviate. D: warn, adversary, adverb, adverse, n: convent, invite, summon, coexistence,

  • They are written with V, the words ending in: ava, ave, avo.

Exceptions: syllable and its derivatives; arab, basin, cape, tail, syrup. Examples: eighth, lava, slave, grave, key, soft, nail, brave.

  • They are written with V, the voices ending in eva, eve, evo, iva, Ivo.

Exceptions: tallow, youngster, receipt, was, stirrup. Examples: passive, motive, live, move, new, active, carry, raise.

  • They are written with V, the words that begin with: vice, villa or villar.

Exceptions: biceps , garter. Billiards, bicephalous, bicentennial, billiards. Examples: villadiego, villain, vice versa, villainous, villainy, vice consul , villainy.

  • V is written in the conjugation of verbs that do not have b or v in their infinitive.


Have: I had, we had, etc. Walk: I walked, we walked, etc. Being: we were, was, etc.

  • Words that begin with syllables are written with V: pre, prí, pro, pol.

Exceptions: prebend, provost, probable, test tube, probity, problem. Examples: prevention, gunpowder, dust, deprivation, province, provoke.

  • They are written with V, the words that start with div.

Exceptions: drawing and its derivatives. Examples: disclose, divorce, divisible, amuse, couch, divide.


  • They are written with V, the words that start with see.

Exceptions: kissing and its derivatives; beast and its derivatives. Examples: gallbladder , vestige, wardrobe, vestment, dress, dress.


  • Words that end in ivora, ivoro are written with V.

Exception: viper. Examples: herbivore , carnivore , omnivore .

  • Words that begin with the syllables cía, na, ad, sal are written with V.

Exceptions: turnip, nabar, nabí, nabiza, turnip, naborí, nabiforme, salbanda. Examples: nail, carnation, nail, razor, christmas, upstart, adverb, save, wild, sage.

Rules of the use of the g and j

  • They are written with g, the group gene, whether or not it forms a single syllable.

Exceptions: termite, ginger, alien, alienate, aubergine, aging. Examples: people, gentian, genealogy, generation, huge, genetics, gentile, ingenuity.

  • They are written with G, verbs ending in ger, gir.

Exceptions: weaving, creaking, grujir, brujir. Examples: catch, moo, rule, protect, pretend, roar.

  • They are written with G, the tenses of the verbs that carry this letter in the infinitive.

Exceptions: the conjugations of verbs ending in ger-gir, which before a vowel a, or transform the G into J. Examples: expedited, exhausted, equalized, sharpened, agrando, agitate, pleased.

  • They are written with G, the words that end in logia.

Examples: technology , ontology, methodology , geology , oncology .

  • They are written with G, the words ending in gelico, gesímo, genario, genio.

Examples: evangelical, twentieth, wit, octogenarian, eightieth.

  • The syllable ges is written with G.

Exception: majesty and its derivatives. Examples: gesticulate, gesture, gestation, management, manager.

  • Words ending in gia, gio, gión are written with G.

Exceptions: heresy, hemiplegia, spark plug, bleach, wove, paraplegia, crunch. Examples: corregía, legion, anthropology, apology, biology, region, religion.

  • They are written with G, the endings gionario, ginal ginoso, gioso.

Examples: legionary, vaginal, giddy, contagious.

  • The syllable geo is written with G.

Examples: geopolitics, geography , geoid, geographer, geology , geometry .

  • The syllable gi is written with G.

Exceptions: giraffe, chili pepper, bladder, horseman, goldfinch. Examples: agility, page, giant, gynecologist, gym .

  • They are written with G, the words that end in giar, algia.

Examples: nostalgia, discredit, praise, plagiarize, infect, neuralgia.

  • They are written with J, the tenses of verbs whose infinitive do not have g or j.

Examples: subtract – subtracted, contradict – I contradicted, induce – induced bring – we brought, say – we said.

  • The ending jero, jera, jeria is written with J.

Exception: light. Examples: locksmith, passenger, messenger, foreigner, watchmaker, scissors, watchmaker , witchcraft.

  • They are written with J, the endings in aje and those that begin with axis.

Exceptions: ambages, enálage, egeria. Examples: travel, wild, bandage, luggage, language, exercise, execution, exemplary.

  • They are written with J, the tenses of the verbs that have j in their infinitive.

Examples: object – object, weave – weave, graft – graft, injure – injure, swear – swore, limp – we limp, drive – drive, fit – fit.

Rules for using c, s, z, and x

  • The verbs ending in cir and ducir are written with C.

Exception: grab. Examples: lead, adduce, translate, spread, produce, shine, darn, say.

  • They are written with C, the words ending in senior, old, gum.

Exceptions: craving, Hortensia. Examples: constancy, excellence, extravagance, tiredness, decadence, indulgence, fragrance, conscience, distance.

  • They are written with C, the words ending in tion, related to to, tor, dar.

Examples: composition – composer, blessing – blessed, rotation – rotator, attribution – attribute, feeling – sensible, admiration – admirer, distribution – distributor.

  • They are written with C, the diminutives: cito, ecito, ecillo, if they come from words without final S.

Examples: fish – little fish, sweet – sweet, foot – little foot, flower – little flower, mother – little mother.

  • They are written with C, the suffixes cida, cido, cidio.

Examples: homicide, parricide, dawn, appeared, established, infanticide, genocide.

  • Words ending in foundation are written with C.

Examples: gratitude, suffering, restoration, birth, establishment, enrichment, deposit.

  • Verbs ending in cer are written with C.

Exceptions: cough, sew, be. Examples: to be born, to lie, to do, to suffer, to thank, to twist, to shudder.

  • They are written with C, the verbs ending in ciar.

Exceptions: cripple, crave, ecstasy, anesthetize. Examples: appreciate, caress, fool, empty, negotiate, vitiate.

  • They are written with C, the words ending in acia, icia, icie, icio.

Exceptions: Dionysus, gym, Asia, anastasia, trade winds, euthanasia. Examples: Phoenician, plain, bustle, expertise, greed, malice, fallacy.

  • It is written with C, the ending ces that arises from the plural of words that contain z.

Examples: corn-corns, root-roots, fish-fish, raptor-raptor, heinous-atrocious.

  • They are written with C, the forms of the verbs ending in ceder, cender, cibir, citar, as long as it does not come from roots that carry S.

Examples: grant, turn on, recite, receive, precede, perceive.

  • They are written with C, verbs ending in zar before the vowel e change to c.

Examples: Analyze – Analyze, shame-shame, channel – channel, utilize – use.

  • Words that end in ense are written with S, referring to gentilices.

Examples: Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Canadian, Veracruz, and Colonial.

  • They are written with S, the endings sivo, siva.

Examples: corrosive, massive, explosive, expressive, intensive.

  • Words ending in zion are written with S, when they come from words ending in so, sor, sivo.

Examples: understanding – comprehensive, persuasion – persuasive, repression – repressive, foresight – foresight, precision – precise.

  • They are written with S, the words ending in the superlatives isimo, isima.

Examples: beautiful, beautiful, ugly, very intelligent, very delicate.

  • Words ending in bear are written with S, osa.

Examples: Kind, tasty, generous, lazy, wonderful, great.

  • Words ending in ism are written with S.

Examples: spiritism, obscurantism, athletics, altruism, avant-garde.

  • Words ending in esca, esco are written with S.

Examples: grotesque, Dantesque, burlesque, gigantic, picturesque.

  • It is written with S, the pronominal variant se, in a proclitic or enclitic form.

Examples: enclitic – taken, carried away, proclitic – approached, left

  • It is written with S, at the ending that of the auxiliary verb haber, past perfect, subjunctive mood.

Examples: I would have loved, I would have swum, I would have feared.

  • They are written with S, the endings this, this, ista.

Examples: feminist, violinist, pot, artist party.

  • It is written with S, the ending se of all the verbs of the past imperfect, of the subjunctive mood.

Examples: leave, love, fulfill, rise, fear.

  • They are written with S, the endings ersa, erse, erso.

Examples: dare, adverse, convert, reverse, beautify, perverse.

  • They are written with S, the verbs that do not have s, c, z in their infinitive.

Examples: want – wanted, have – have, see – see.

  • Words ending in anza / o and azgo are written with Z.

Exceptions: goose / o, tame / o. Examples: riddle, move, tummy, find, dance, praise, admiralty.

  • They are written with Z, the endings ez, eza, az, oz, of the abstract names.

Examples: beauty, voracious, lazy, fleeting, stiff, atrocious, pale, peaceful, clumsy, predatory, shy, effective.

  • They are written with Z, the endings azo, aza that denote increase, hit.

Examples: big hand, big head, big eyes, elbow, big door, woman

  • They are written with Z, the endings iz, ez, oz, az, of the patronymic names.

Examples: Rodríguez, Ruiz, Sánchez, Muñoz, Ramírez, Ortiz, Villalaz.

  • They are written with Z, the endings zuela, zuelo, which denote diminution or contempt.

Examples: whore, thief, door, youngster.

  • They are written with Z, some verbs in the infinitive ending in zar and their conjugations before the vowels a, o.

Examples: analyze – analyze, paralyze – paralyze, terrorize – terrorize, channel – channel.

  • They are written with Z, the words ending in izo, iza.

Examples: mestizo, coppery, leaden, shifting, sickly.

  • They are written with X, the compounds with the Latin prepositions ex, extra.

Examples: quirky, extraordinary, ex-principal, ex-president, ex-mayor, alumnus.

  • X is written when we perceive the sound cs or gs.

Exceptions: facsimile, fuchsin, fuchsia. Examples: sex, connection, close, oxygen, exact, axiom.

  • It is written X, when we have this sound followed by a vowel ho.

Examples: exhale, exasperate, exhausted, exhort, exhume, demanding, exuberant.

  • X is written before the syllables pla, ple, pli, plo, pre, pri, pro.

Examples: esplanade, explosive, explanation, explorer, express, expropriate.

  • It is written with X, the hexa prefix that means six.

Examples: hexagon, hexagonal, hexameter, hexasyllable, hexapétalo, hexahedron.

Rules for using the mn

M is used before b and p. Examples: firefighter, vampire, ambulance, lamp, ambition, amber, ambidextrous.

  • It is written m, preceding the n, in simple words.

Examples: amnesia, omni, gym, amnesty, amnicola.

  • It is written m after n in compound words.

Examples: real estate, immoderation, immodesty, immobilize, unclean, immolation.

  • The m is never duplicated, except in the following cases.

Examples: Emma , Emmanuel , Gamma .

  • It is written m, at the end of some words adopted from Latin.

Examples: ultimatum, memo, referendum, idem, album.

  • We will use n, in front of v, f.

Examples: send, cool, widow, amphibian, envy, infamous, addicted, infallible, envestir, inferior, make sick.

Rules for the use of Y and ll

  • The forms of the verbs ending in uir are written with Y.

Examples: contribute – I contribute, distribute – distribute, build – build. Verb forms that do not have y, ll, in their infinitive will be written with Y. Examples: hear – hear, have – have, go – go, erect – yergo.

  • It is written with Y, the syllable yec.

Examples: project, inject, deject, abject, injection, dejection.

  • Y will be written at the beginning of the yer sound.

Examples: son-in-law, yerbal, yerbatero, yerba, yermar, yerro.

  • Y is written after the sounds ad, dis, sub.

Examples: adjacent, disjunctive, underlying, subjugate, disjunction.

  • They are written with Y, the words that begin with yu.

Exceptions: rain and its derivatives. Examples: yudo, yuca, yugo, jugular, yunta.

  • Words ending in illo, illa, their compounds and derivatives are written with LL.

Examples: brush, vanilla, marigold, toothpick, knife, seed, comb, tableware.

  • They are written with LL, the words ending in alle, elle, it, she.

Exceptions: commoner, leguleyo, Pompeii . Examples: pier, street, beautiful, camel, that, seal.

  • They are written with LL, some verbs ending in llar.

Exceptions: scratch, puyar, expand, underline. Examples: run over, explode, overwhelm, battle.


by Abdullah Sam
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