Solution: ‘Pokémon GO is stuck, caught or charging and does not open’

Today we show you the Solution to the error: ‘Pokémon GO is stuck, caught or loading and does not open’ on my Android or iPhone , presenting you some methods that can help.

The mistakes of Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO may not be as popular as a few years ago, but it is undeniably a fun and even more interesting video game for fans of the franchise . Either way, the game is known for quickly consuming data, so saving mobile data and battery when playing Pokémon Go is a must.

In addition to the above, unfortunately Pokémon GO is not without errors, in fact, problems with the AR camera in Pokémon GO are usually common. In the same way, other errors cause the game to simply not start or stay stuck , we will talk about this below.

‘Pokémon GO is stuck, caught or loading and does not open’ on Android or iPhone – Solution

There are several reasons why Pokémon GO stays stuck or loading , but there are several simple solutions that we can try. Therefore, if the game does not work properly, the first thing would be to try what we comment below.

Restart Pokémon GO or mobile

Sometimes applications just stop working for a while, in this case a simple reboot will often get them working. On the other hand, in the event that restarting the application does not work, you can also try restarting your device.

The above options may seem basic, but they are certainly sometimes capable of solving the problem. In other words, it doesn’t hurt to try these basic methods

Verify that you have the latest version of Pokémon GO

It is essential that every mobile program is constantly updated, but it is even more so with video games. In fact, Pokémon Go’s online video game status makes it even more important to constantly update the show .

Many times the lack of an update will cause the game to simply not start or work incorrectly. Perhaps this is the reason why Pokémon GO is stuck without starting.

Normally, Pokémon GO notifies you when an update is required , but some error may cause this notification to not reach you. Either way, no matter what bug you have, certainly updating Pokémon Go to the latest version is highly recommended.

Try clearing the cache of Pokémon GO

Sometimes certain temporary errors are able to prevent the correct start of Pokémon GO. Given this, or we can use the options provided by the mobile to eliminate temporary data.

Deleting this data usually helps with certain problems, if you have doubts on how to do it, keep reading.

  • Simply open the “Settings” section of the device, once there click on the “Applications” section . Here locate Pokémon GO and click on the application. Depending on the device you own, the process may vary.
  • Anyway, usually you must click on the “Storage” section, here the option “Delete data” and “Delete cache” will appear . You can first try the clear cache option and check if you can start the game. If it doesn’t boot, try deleting the data.

Delete Pokémon GO and reinstall it

This is usually the last option, but if nothing shown above can make the game start properly, it is worth trying. Even so, it is very important that you know the credentials to log into your Pokémon GO account again before continuing.

  • Go to the “Applications” section in the system settings. Here locate Pokémon GO and click on the App, then simply select the “Uninstall” option .
  • After the above, go back to the Play Store / App Store and search for Pokémon GO to download it again. After that, start the game, log into your account and verify that the problem has been solved.

On the other hand, if none of the above really works and the game keeps crashing, it may mean that your device does not meet the minimum recommended requirements to play Pokémon Go , before this perhaps the only solution is to change your mobile .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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