Social Institutions

Social institutions are social groups formed by values, personalities, customs, norms, or other elements that develop in the community. This institution arises due to matters relating to social life.

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Definition of Social Institutions

Social Institutions are institutions whose members consist of people who gather into one unit because of a common vision and mission. In reality, this institution is referred to as a social organization. In social institutions, contains values, norms, customs, and elements of society that are trusted in the community concerned.

Each member who belongs to a social institution must be bound by the rules that are made and must be obeyed together. In addition, there are also traditions carried out by members of social institutions and forming activities in them. Growing community growth makes community life more complex. Therefore, community institutions need to be formed.

To better understand what a social institution is, there are several opinions from experts about the notion of social institutions, including:

Understanding Social Institutions According to Experts

    • Paul Horton and Chester L.Hunt

“Understanding social institutions is a system of social norms and relationships that unite certain values ​​and procedures in order to meet the basic needs of society.

    • Robert Morrison Maclver and CH Page

“Understanding social institutions is a step or procedure that has been created to regulate relations between fellow humans who are connected in a community group.”

    • Koentjaraningrat

“Social institutions are a system of behavior and relationships that are focused on activities to meet the complex of special needs in human life in a society.”

    • Soerjono Soekanto

“Understanding Social institutions are a set of norms at various levels that revolve around a basic need in people’s lives.”

From some of the above meanings, it can be concluded that social institutions are social groups formed in a community environment with the same goals and objectives that contain norms, rules, customs and other elements of society.

Function of Social Institutions

Establishing an institution certainly has various functions and roles in a society and its members. The following are the functions of social institutions in society.

  1. Make and create guidelines for the community about the procedures for behaving in social life, specifically related to meeting basic human needs.
  2. Create and create guidelines for the community about procedures for social control so that community behavior is more controlled.
  3. Have responsibility for the integrity and unity of the community. it is also responsible for bringing together and uniting members to realize social integration in society.

Types of Social Institutions

Social institutions in society have several types or types, the following is an explanation:

  • Family Institutions

A family institution is an institution with the smallest social unit in a society that houses someone when they are born with several family members.

  • Educational institutions

An educational institution is an institution that has a role as a place for the ongoing education or learning a person goes through with the aim to change and regulate his behavior in order to become a better individual. Educational institutions also have an influence in the creation of an innovation based on good analytical skills.

  • Economic Institution

Economic institutions are institutions that support activities related to the economy with the aim of meeting the basic needs of the community. This institution directly manages activities related to the production, promotion , distribution and service of goods or services needed by the community.

  • Political Institutions

Political institutions are institutions created to deal with administrative issues, rules and regulations and other written rules in order to achieve security and peace in people’s lives. This political institution is more directed at matters relating to the government as well as services to the community.

  • Religious Institutions

Religious institutions are social institutions in society where there is a practice of belief in a religion and other things that are considered sacred. This institution was formed with the aim of uniting religious communities.

  • Legal Institution

A legal institution is an institution that functions as a tool for regulating public relations, creating social justice, both physically and mentally, and as a tool for resolving disputes in the lives of various groups of society.

  • Health Institution

Health institutions are institutions that are focused on health services and the aim is to realize that the community can always be mentally and physically healthy. This institution has been formed in many communities with adequate services.

  • Cultural Institutions

Institutions of culture is an institution that is quite important because it helps communities in developing and preserving the existing culture, arts and the environment. These cultural institutions also include institutions that also help in getting to know the various customs that exist in society.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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