Shooting typology

Within the audiovisual language there are different types of shooting.At present we have assumed as ours that the camera has movement with respect to the recorded scene. But in the origins of cinema the camera maintained a static situation in most cases, and only from directors such as Griffith, the directors of German expressionism and, later, Dziga Vertov, they managed to unleash the device and give it freedom of movement.

A shot, or recording plane, is a unit of image capture by the camera. From this fact, we can define the following types of shooting that may exist:

  • Fixed shot: itis the one where the camera is placed in a fixed position and without interaction with the zoom, which does not mean that the shot is static, since the movement of the staging, of characters for example, can provide it with great dynamism.
  • Turn or panoramic: itis that shot where the camera, from an operational point of view, performs a partial (turn) or total (panoramic) rotation on its own axis. Said rotation can be horizontal or vertical.
  • Sweep:It is a turn or panoramic that is done so quickly that the viewer cannot appreciate the images it contains. It is usually used as a transition or as an elliptical follow-up of a character, for example.
  • Traveling:a shot that contains this type of movement is one where the camera moves in three-dimensional space, horizontally or vertically with respect to the axis that supports it on a tripod, supported on a trolley or dolly , which in turn can incorporate some ways to stabilize the movement. The traveling can be zoom in or out. If the traveling is attached to a crane device, the movement can combine vertical or horizontal movement.
  • Steadycam:technological evolution in cinema has resulted in this device, which gives more freedom to camera movement, since movements that do not have an axis as a reference can be performed, as in the case of traveling .
  • Free shooting:thanks to the digital and technological revolution of recent years, free camera movements can be made that do not respond to any mechanical “logic”, as in the case of traveling or steadycam . They are movements where the camera moves freely in space without any physical, spatial or temporal impediment.
  • Optical zoomor traveling : by moving the lenses, we zoom in or out of the shot, freely selecting the space to record the scene, simply changing the focal length, and being able to use, in the same shot, from a wide angle to a telephoto lens.
by Abdullah Sam
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