See what documents are needed to get married

Although some consider that official marriage is a little out of fashion, many couples still do not wait for the day to exchange rings. However, the bureaucratic part still exists and can give you a lot of headaches if you are not all prepared and previously ready.If marriage is part of one of your dreams, see below which documents are asked for you to change your status from “single” to married:

Civil wedding

The State needs to know that you got married, as this implies that you will be judged under other laws. The procedure to be done is:

The bride and groom must attend a nearest registry office to file the case. A minimum of 30 days (and a maximum of 60 days) is recommended before the official wedding date (the date shown on your marriage certificate).

You will need to pay a fee to the notary that varies from state to state. In addition, on the occasion it will be necessary to have two witnesses over the age of 18 (it may be the godparents) who know the bride and groom and they must be equipped with the RG.

The documents required for single couples are :

– Birth certificate for each of the bride and groom,
– RG,
– Declaration of the bride and groom’s current residence (it is not necessary to live in the same house).

To newlyweds where one or both are divorced :

– RG,
– Certificate of previous marriage with annotation (an act whereby any fact that modifies or adds the content thereof) is recorded in the divorce document.

To widowed grooms :

– RG,
– Marriage certificate with death certificate of the spouse and copy of the Formal de Partilha (official document that informs who the heirs are and what assets were in their possession – document that closes the inventory).

When one of the grooms is foreign and single :

– Birth certificate,
– Passport or RNE (national registration of foreigners),
– Declaration of marital status as single.

When one of the couples is a foreigner and divorced :

– The same previous documents, with the addition of the marriage certificate with annotation of the divorce.

When one of the grooms is a foreigner and widower :

– Birth certificate,
– Passport or RNE,
– Marriage certificate and spouse’s death certificate.

All documents must be original! And the documents of the foreign fiance must be translated in Brazil by a certified public translator (professional qualified for this function).

Once all the papers are provided, it will take 15 to 20 days for the paperwork to be investigated.

If the bride and groom are under 18 years of age, parents or guardians must accompany them to the registry office with their respective identity cards. If the bride is under the age of 16 and / or the groom is under the age of 18, the marriage can only take place with parental authorization and judicial authorization.

Marriage with religious ceremony

If the bride and groom still want to make the union official before their religion, it is necessary to provide some documents:

– Xerox of the identity card of the bride and groom

– Protocol issued by the notary regarding the civil union

– Certificate of baptism.

– Death certificate (in case of widow’s widow)

There is usually a kind of preparation for the bride and groom before the wedding takes place. In the Catholic Church, for example, it is necessary to take a course (CPM: preparation course for marriage) that will teach the importance that religion will have from the moment you get married. If one of the couples has not been baptized, the baptism will take place in one day during the course.

Remembering that the sooner you start to provide the documentation, the lesser the chances of unforeseen events. As soon as you have a set date, they will go after everything they need.


by Abdullah Sam
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