Satin Rabbit

Satin Rabbit. It has a fine coat with a distinct shine. Its name comes from its special coat that makes it different from any other breed.

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The Satin breed is originally from the United States, during the first half of the 20th century, it comes from a mutation of Havana chocolate.


The Satin factor is based on a single mutation and is transmitted recessively. Changes the structure of the hair: The hair shaft is thinner and more translucent, the color pigments are inside the hair. Reflects light, wool is brighter. They have a fairly rounded body of normal length. Its head is voluminous with prominent cheeks and a wide skull. His ears are robust. It comes in the colors black, blue , Californian, chinchilla, chocolate , copper , red , Siamese, white , and speckled. The females weigh about 4.5 kgs and the males about 4 kgs. The Satin is a rabbit used commercially for its fur and meat, but it is also prized for show.


by Abdullah Sam
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