Beveren rabbit

Beveren rabbit. It is a very old breed . The breed was first developed in Beveren, Belgium, in the 19th century.


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  • 1Origen
  • 2 Features
  • 3 Varieties
  • 4 Conformation
  • 5 Reproductive parameters
  • 6 Fountains


The Beveren derives from crosses of the Brabaconne, Saint Nicholas Blue and Vienna Blue. In 1902 in Beveren, the first standard for the ” Beveren Blue Rabbit ” was instituted. In 1905 there was the first Beveren Blue exhibition in Norwich, Great Britain. During World War I, the “V” for victory came from the V-shape of the Beveren’s ears. During this time the Beveren became very popular in Great Britain . In the early twenties the Beveren was bred for its fur, they used the white variety a lot as it could be easily dyed.


The blue variety of the Beveren was even bred at Buckingham Palace in London before World War II . British breeders developed the blue, black, blue-eyed white, lilac, brown, and dotted varieties.

The standard Beveren as indicated by the ARBA standard of perfection closely resembles in type and structure the original, developed long ago, one difference is that the ARBA only recognizes black, blue and blue- eyed varieties .


Beveren white rabbit

  • The white variety: there should be only white color throughout the body, the eyes are bright blue.

Beveren blue rabbit

  • Blue: It takes on different shades but it should never be dark blue, it can have silver shades; the eyes are grey.

Beveren black rabbit

  • Black: The black is shiny and the hair below the belly is dark blue; the eyes are dark brown.

Although there are other colors these are the most common. The weight of the Beveren is around 4.5 kgs.


Long, broad back, mandolin-shaped, well-developed haunches and legs, the leg bone is straight and strong. Starting at the shoulders, it arches in the middle of the back and ends in the arch at the hips. The head has a bold/bold look, with a wide muzzle and sharply bent profile, this is more noticeable in males. Lilac eyes match the body color with a ruby ​​shimmer. White Beveren’s eyes are blue, in all other colors the eyes match the color of the body. The ears are long, “V” shaped and well covered with fur.


by Abdullah Sam
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