Kashmir belier rabbit

Kashmir belier rabbit. Developed from the breeding of Holland Lops and English Angora. They have the same external characteristics as the Holland Lop, but long hair like the Angora .


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  • 1Origen
  • 2 Features
    • 1 Behavior
    • 2 Food
    • 3 Care
  • 3 Fuente


It is found in Australia and from there it spread to other parts of the world . From a multitude of crosses with other breeds, the 45 species of dwarf rabbits that exist today emerged, among which the Lionhead , Hottot , Polish and Dutch rabbits stand out . The first dwarf rabbit emerged in 1938 from the cross between an ermine rabbit and a wild one. From then on, its popularity grew until it became the well-known companion animal that it has become today.


This species is a long- haired version of the dwarf belier. His rabbit hair is soft and difficult to brush. Adult hair is easier to maintain but should be checked daily.

Belier dwarf is medium in size, its weight ranges between 1.5 and 2.5 kg. The body is short and compact and covered with long, silky hair, which requires daily brushing to keep the coat in condition. The coat should be dense with much undercoat and longer hairs. There is also a small version of the cashmere belier with a maximum weight of 1.5 kg and a giant version with a minimum weight of 4.5 kg. There is a lot of variety of colors.


Affectionate and friendly character make it an ideal pet to have at home. It is a docile animal , easy to handle and quite clean. They are delicate and fragile animals that need a good environment in their environment to behave properly and not become fearful or aggressive. The dwarf rabbit is intelligent and if it is taught well and with patience, it can learn to follow its owner or relieve itself in the right place.


This dwarf rabbit is herbivorous . You must eat specific pelleted feed and hay that will provide the fiber you need. You have to supplement your diet with vegetables ( lettuce , carrots , spinach ) and stoneless fruits . like apples . You have to be careful with some foods that can be indigestible, such as iceberg-type lettuce. The animal must be well hydrated and always have waterfresh. In addition to diet, exercise is essential to maintain good health, so let him run around the house for several hours a day .


A dwarf rabbit lives between 8 and 10 years. Although it is small in size, it should have a large enough rabbit cage for it to live comfortably. It can be with a plastic bottom and walls and a mesh cover or with bars that facilitate ventilation of the passenger compartment. He also has to have a shelter that allows him to hide whenever he wants and a latrine for his needs. You also need a feeder, a bottle -type drinker and a perch to place the hay, since if you put it on the ground it could dirty it or urinate on it.


by Abdullah Sam
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