Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil. Rosemary oil is an essential medicinal oil with multiple uses and properties. Many foods take advantage of their delicious aroma to sweeten them. But it also has numerous properties that can be used in the beauty and health sector.


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  • 1 History
  • 2 Properties of rosemary oil
  • 3 Hair care
  • 4 Healing properties
  • 5 Instructions to do it
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 Source


Rosemary comes from the name of Rosmarinus in Latin means “dew that comes from the sea”, and comes from the bluish flowers that flood the beaches of the Mediterranean, remembering the dew. In addition to being a symbol of fidelity between boyfriends, it was used in Medieval times to purify sick rooms. Because of their reputation for stimulating memory, Greek students wore rosemary twigs in their hair. Rosemary is a plant surrounded by mysticism. Among the Greeks and Romans it was seen as a sacred herb. Used as incense or loaded as an amulet, mainly at weddings and to ward off the evil eye, break envy. In the Middle Ages, it was used as smoke and the bedrooms of sick people were smoked. The Egyptians also used Rosemary in their rites, since the graves have traces of the plant that go back thousands of years. Rosemary is a shrub with an average height of 1 meter, highly branched, evergreen, with woody stems, small, thin, opposite, lanceolate needle-shaped leaves. The lower leaves are greyish-green in color, while the upper leaves are almost silver, the flowers gather in spikes and are blue or whitish. Rosemary is the favorite plant of bees and blooms practically all year round, generally on rocky slopes and sandy or dry and sunny soils. It does not require any special care in gardens except to avoid excess moisture. Some scriptures dating from the first millennium BC refer to the Egyptians, who gave it multiple uses and applications, both in the environment of aesthetics and ancient medicine. Later, the Roman and Greek empires incorporated it into their diet, and they had it on their list of medicinal healing plants. Today, the Iberian Peninsula is one of the best rosemary producers, in fact it is very popular in some recipes such as the Valencian paella. Other countries that produce the oil are Morocco and France. Italy is in charge of importing it to add its designation of origin.

Properties of rosemary oil

The first property that attracts attention is its anti-aging action. Rosemary oil is widely used on the skin combined with peppermint. It is very rich in vitamins, which as you know, have an antioxidant character, thus preventing premature aging of the skin. The skin appreciates the cosmetic use of this oily extract, especially on dry skin. In the long term you will be able to show off young and smooth skin. But there are many more properties.

  • An effective moisturizer. Being an oil, it contains optimal concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids. Essential fats have many functions, among others they are part of cell membranes (lipid bilayers). When the membranes are in perfect condition, they retain water better and consequently improve the hydration of the dermis.
  • It is soothing. Many athletes take advantage of rosemary oil for its anti-inflammatory benefits. When they have been exercising for many hours, many muscles tend to become overloaded, inflamed, and cause pain. Therefore, they seek physiotherapy treatments with this type of relaxing products. Some specialists claim that it promotes blood circulation and prevents cramps. It could be the ideal complement to the harpagofito, since it is appropriate for arthritis sufferers.
  • Vitamins also give rosemary oil anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. To avoid infections, it can be applied to closed wounds, which have already healed. However, hydrogen peroxide will always be more effective in healing scratches and cuts on the skin.
  • Continuing with the previous benefit, this oil favors the reduction of scars and stretch marks, and thus the dermis can regenerate without leaving a trace of the wound.

Rosemary essential oil fights halitosis precisely because it is “essential.” Between its aroma and its bactericidal power, it eliminates unwanted microorganisms from the mouth, and your breath will return to its usual freshness.

  • It cleanses the nasal passages thoroughly, facilitating breathing and softening the congestion that appears in colds and constipations. Before inhaling the product, it is recommended to consult your pharmacist for the daily dose.
  • There are those who use it for cooking.
  • For muscle pain in massages.

Hair care

This property deserves a separate mention, since homemade rosemary oil is used especially for hair. If you wonder what it is for, you should know that it is used to improve hair growth and stop hair loss, strengthen hair fibers and nourish hair follicles. Likewise, it combats gray hair and hydrates the beard, mustache, eyebrows … It is normally applied together with a wet towel on dry, damaged and burned hair. If it is very fatty it is not recommended. You can also add a few drops of the oil to your shampoo as it provides nutrients to care for the scalp, hair follicles and split ends. You can also try rosemary alcohol or rosemary water for hair. Stimulates the health of hair follicles and prevents baldness (darkens hair too much, so it’s not suitable for blondes). On the skin, Rosemary soap restores the natural pH (it is slightly astringent). Rosemary oil is good to pass through the body after bathing.

Healing properties

  • It can be used to massage and stay as relaxed as possible
  • Improves memory
  • Relieves muscle aches
  • Helps to treat hair loss and strengthen it
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Counteract insomnia
  • Reduce stress
  • Decrease anxiety
  • Ease the pain
  • Remove depression
  • Increase immune defenses
  • Correct chronic stomach problems
  • They can be used to sanitize a room, clothing or personal items of the sick person
  • Avoid contagions
  • Clear the airways
  • Increase the body’s defenses:
  • Fluidize secretions
  • Improve the immune system
  • Soothe cough
  • Sore throat
  • Fights halitosis
  • Muscle pain in massages

Instructions to do it

To make your own rosemary oil you will only need rosemary and olive oil, you can also use almond oil, with which we will also add its properties. This is a very simple and effective recipe that will allow you to have a very good and cheap rosemary essential oil.

  • To start making homemade rosemary oil, you should wash the rosemary well, allow it to dry completely and place it in a whole container, without removing anything. Fill the entire container with rosemary.
  • Then add olive oil until it covers all the rosemary. Cover the container and let it marinate in a dark place, where no light whatsoever comes from. It should rest for at least a month.
  • After the month, you must strain the oil and you will have the homemade rosemary oil ready. As you can see, it is a very simple procedure that requires hardly any ingredients.


You must not forget that the poison is in the dose and the rosemary oil is not an exception. Its use is not recommended in:

  • Hypertensive, very stressed or nervous people.
  • During lactation or pregnancy.
  • Apply very dilute, especially if your skin is very sensitive. In this case, almond oil would be better. Remember that rosemary is very intense and could cause small redness on the skin or mild adverse reactions.
  • It has not been shown to be effective for memory.
  • Keep it out of the reach of children and do not eat it.
  • Rosemary tea or tincture should be avoided in pregnancy or lactation, in children under 12 years. Ingestion of high doses causes gastrointestinal irritation and nephritis. Rosemary essence or essential oil can be irritating to the skin.


by Abdullah Sam
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