What Is Reflexive Pronouns;3 Great Function And Examples

The Reflexive Pronouns  are used to indicate that the reflex action lies with the person himself.In this case, the pronoun comes after the verb and agrees with the subject. These pronouns are characterized by the self(singular) and selves (plural).For each pronoun Personal ( Personal Pronoun ) there is a reflexive pronoun ( Reflexive Pronoun ).

Reflective pronouns can be used to express:

1- Reflexive Action:

the action of the verb falls on the subject itself.

I cut myself . (I cut myself).

She combs herself . (She combs herself).

After eating, the cat cleans itself . (After eating, the cat cleans itself).

They burned themselves on the fireplace . They burned in the fireplace.

2- Emphatic function: 

the pronoun must match what is emphasized.

He himself built his house . (He built this house himself).

They themselves fixed the dishwasher . (They fixed the washing machine themselves).

We ourselves made this surprise to you. We prepared this surprise for you.

I cut myself the cake . I cut the cake myself.

3 – Idiomatic function: 

it is intended to inform that the subject practiced the action alone, without the help of anyone. In this case, the reflexive pronoun must be preceded by “by”.

We did our homework by ourselves . We did our homework alone.

Bob made this folder by himself . (Bob prepared this pasta alone).

She cleaned the house by herself . She cleaned the house by herself.

They painted the house by themselves . They painted the house without the help of anyone.

Below is a table with all Reflexive Pronouns.

Reflexive Pronouns
1st person singular Myself
2 nd person singular Yourself
3rd person singular Himself
3rd person singular Herself
3rd person singular for animals and objects Itself
1st person plural Ourselves
2nd person plural Yourselves
3rd person plural Themselves

I can provide information about reflexive pronouns, their functions, and examples in a tabular format.Reflexive Pronouns: Functions and Examples

Reflexive Pronoun Function Example Sentence
Myself To indicate the subject performs the action on itself “I prepared the meal myself.”
Yourself Used when the subject and the object of the action are the same (in singular) “Did you make this cake yourself?”
Himself Used for emphasis or to show an action performed on the subject itself (for male subjects) “He drove himself to the hospital.”
Herself Indicates the female subject of the sentence performs the action on herself “She taught herself to play the piano.”
Itself Used for animals, things, or ideas to indicate the subject performs the action on itself “The cat can clean itself.”
Ourselves Used when the subject and the object of the action are the same (in plural) “We have to defend ourselves.”
Yourselves Refers to the subject performing an action on itself (plural) “You must all prepare yourselves for the journey.”
Themselves Indicates that the subjects (plural) perform the action on themselves “The children dressed themselves for school.”

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same, often to emphasize the subject or to show that the subject is performing the action on itself.

by Abdullah Sam
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