Building a High Performance Recruitment Pipeline

It can’t be said that my style of recruiting will be better than yours, or that your strategy for finding candidates will be better than that of your next-door neighbor. I want to emphasize that today, recruitment is very dynamic, varied, and creative. The more you do it, the more you will enjoy it, because this will be a challenge that can test your guts.

Just imagine, I have heard many stories of how a millennial candidate chose to go home instead of waiting for the interviewer to come. Because he thinks that who needs who? He is very confident in the potential that is in him which is a selling point for the work owner.

However, making various tools also creates a recruitment pipeline , still it cannot be ruled out. Here are a few things that are important for you to do.

Sourcing the Right Candidates on an ongoing basis

The biggest mistake is if you will only collect candidate data when you have vacancies. You can be sure, when the need arises, you will be wasting your time. The best thing is, when there is a need or not, you always fill the candidate pool you have with the most recent data. Where did you get it from? Of course, by utilizing various sources, whether it’s working with several universities, participating in job fairs, or through social media. Whether there is a need, it is important to continuously update the data. So that when one day you need a candidate, you only need a few moments to open the candidate pool dataYou and do a series of recruits.

Identify each Skill, Ability, and Limitations

How to have a complete data source, starting from core skills, experience, maybe even limitations? Is it possible to create a very detailed application form ? It’s possible, but I’m sure not every candidate you meet will “waste time” filling out such a detailed form. Or they often refuse to fill out your form and hand over the CV they have. Then what should you do? Every CV is valuable. Therefore, use every spare time you have to complete the CV that you receive. You can contact candidates and conduct interviews and brief digs until you can write down what are the core skills,experience, even the limitations of the candidate. Make a systematic note-taking that will make it easier for you to identify the candidates you have, so it only takes a moment to identify candidates who have skills in SEO Marketing.

A little note, it is important for a recruiter to be friendly and humble. A person who is ‘arrogant’ or ‘unfriendly’ is not cut out for being a recruiter, because you do have to be in a relationship to succeed at getting the best. In addition, broaden your horizons to at least recognize the fields of work of each job in your company.

Establishing Good Relationships

Establish good relationships with the ‘great’ candidates you have through various means of communication. Remember, recruits are a reflection of your company. Therefore, pay attention to how you communicate. Especially in today’s technology era, communication is no longer a barrier, you can do it in various ways.

Establishing a good communication will also build trust. It is important to gain a sense of ‘trust’ that you do not simply want to pursue your target with the company, but also want to share ‘goodness’ with every candidate you contact. You have a good position and you want candidates you know to fill it. Avoid the ‘sell-out’ impression that can only lead to a candidate’s ‘sell it big’ attitude.

Be Transparent

In order to be transparent, of course you need to know what the candidates want according to the level, experience and abilities they have. Therefore, it is closely related to step 2 above. The more you know about what technology professionals in each market segment are asking for (and have to offer), the better positioned you will be to engage in transparent negotiations and the closer to success you will be to recruiting your candidate. Building a more transparent system using the data you offer will increase the candidate acceptance rate of your offer.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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