Quarantine: how to keep mental health up to date?

These are difficult quarantine times, there is no denying it. If we were told that 2020 would start with the world suffering a coronavirus pandemic, many would not believe it.

Social isolation is already a reality in many countries. To deal with the situation, it is necessary to take care of mental health as well. The big question that does not want to remain silent is: how to adapt to social isolation and take care of your mental health?

We are human beings and, as much as we forget most of the time, we are fragile. As they say: “Life is a breath”.

We are not being affected by the 3rd World War or by aliens who want to dominate the Earth. We are being attacked by a virus that we cannot even see.

Our biggest enemy at the moment doesn’t even show up to formally introduce himself. He’s invisible out there, infecting more and more people around the world.

And that has complicated consequences for everyone. We are not only talking about deaths, despite this being the worst part, but also about the harmful effects on the economy and the drastic changes in the population’s routine.

Here in Brazil, long before the coronavirus landed, there was already data from the World Health Organization pointing out that we are the most anxious country in the world . And now? How is the situation in times of isolation?

This article aims to be a careful hug to everyone who is already at home, quarantined, isolating themselves and taking care of themselves to take care of others as well. Let’s talk about the moment Brazil is going through and give valuable tips on how to preserve your mental health!

How to take care of mental health during quarantine?

Much has been said about the consequences of social isolation . In addition to directly harming the economy, trade and, mainly, small and medium businesses, there is also the human factor.

This whole situation has the power to affect people’s mental health, increasing levels of anxiety , because unknown and uncertain factors make everyone feel insecure, especially in cases like this, worldwide.

The entrepreneur is terrified of the bills to pay. The young diabetic is afraid of having health complications. The elderly lady is suffering from being alone at home every day.

The truth is one: everyone will lose something during this crisis. Nobody is exempt. The difference is that some will suffer more and others less.

What we can do is seek to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and try to live in a healthy way, reflecting on the lessons we can have with all this sad reality.

To help, we’ve prepared some important tips to take into account when it comes to quarantine and anxiety. After all, how to take care of your mental health in times of so much uncertainty?

  1. Avoid bombardment of informationin the quarantine

One of the main factors of anxiety is the excess of information. In 2009, an H1N1 pandemic occurred, however, although smartphones already exist, they were not as important as they are today.

A 2017 Google Consumer Barometer study revealed that in 2012 only 14% of the population had smartphones. Meanwhile, in 2016 the number has jumped to 62%. Today, there are more than 230 million smartphones in use in Brazil alone. And worldwide? More than 5 billion smartphones.

You can already understand why people are very distressed with the excess of information, right? All the time we are bombarded by news in real time, which creates a great anxiety.

Globalization is contributing to a panic pandemic , which generates excessive fear in society. Of course, we all need to be well informed, however, we should not be obsessed and always be careful with false information, that is, fake news.

During quarantine, the big tip here is to avoid reading any material on the internet, but look for reliable sources to get information. Don’t spend all day watching the news – try to choose a time of day to find out, otherwise you will spend the whole day just thinking about it.

Also avoid checking your cell phone notifications all the time, especially when you are working and need concentration.

  1. Establish a routine

If you are already working from home, but have doubts about how to create a routine, follow some simple tips.

First, set a time to wake up (remember that you will not waste any more time commuting to work, so you can even sleep a little more).

The ideal is to start your routine with a good breakfast and remember that staying in bed working in your pajamas can be an unproductive measure. Try to dress in comfortable clothes and create a pleasant environment to carry out your activities.

If possible, try to do some kind of physical exercise . Avoid, of course, going to the gym, but you can do stretching or Yoga if the space in your home allows it. If there is a garden, for example, you can take the opportunity to do some type of aerobic exercise – a great tip is to use apps like Nike Training, which provides varied workouts that can be done at home.

Try to eat well throughout the day and don’t make the home office an excuse to work more hours than you should. You must learn to find a balance between professional and personal life at these times, otherwise you will be neglecting mental health.

  1. In quarantine, do online therapy

Many patients and psychologists are already migrating therapy sessions from the face-to-face office to the online. This is a recommended measure to avoid contagion with the coronavirus and, at the same time, take care of mental health.

If you are already in therapy, be sure to do the sessions because of the isolation. Talk to your psychologist about the possibility of the practice being performed online, as this is good for both the professional who does not lose his income, and for the individual who remains healthy.

On the other hand, if you don’t have therapy yet and you feel that your anxiety levels are too high, this may be the best time to start taking care of yourself. Look for platforms like Vittude , which have several psychologists available for remote care.

Therapy is a great ally at different times in our lives and now it couldn’t be different. A specialized professional can be essential to help you deal with excessive fear and panic , so don’t hesitate to see a psychologist at the slightest sign of trouble.

  1. Use technology to get closer to people

As much as social isolation is very frustrating , we cannot deny that we live in an era in which technology is able to help (and a lot) overcome this moment.

Imagine how people in isolation felt years ago, without WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook to communicate with friends and family? As much as social media causes fear and panic to overload, it also has its benefits.

During this difficult period, take the opportunity to strengthen ties with loved ones.

  • Call your grandparents who are alone at home;
  • make a Skype call with your friend who you haven’t seen in a long time and is also isolated;
  • make a video call with all your cousins.

The coronavirus pandemic has the power to touch feelings of abandonment and rejection, so it is important to stay connected in some way with the people you love. Not to mention that it is a great way to get distracted and spend time.

  1. Use quarantine to engage in activities you enjoy

How many times have you complained about not having time to do something you like? Certainly now is the time to invest in that hobby of painting, drawing, writing, reading or learning to cook.

Despite the disadvantages of social isolation, it is also a good time to forget about excuses and start paying attention to activities that you put aside on a daily basis.

You can no longer say you don’t have time, so turn off your cell phone and television a little and give attention to a hobby. How about taking this time to invest in everything you like to do?

In addition, with the internet we have access to a lot of free content. It is possible to take classes online, take courses and really immerse yourself in a new passion.

  1. Practice meditation

A valuable tool that is already in the daily lives of many people should receive even more attention now. The meditation is free and can be done anywhere in your home.

You just need to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and not be attached to any of the thoughts that occur to you. If you have never practiced, the recommendation is to use apps with guided meditations , which may be useful in the beginning. Some tips are Insight Timer and Headspace .

Meditation will help you to reduce anxiety and stress levels , as well as being beneficial for strengthening your immune system. After all, when our mind is doing well, the body gets stronger as well.

In this quarantine period, the tip is to do at least one meditation a day, but if you want to go further you can start and end your day with small meditations to be more relaxed.

Why is empathy so important in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic?

According to the dictionary, the word selfishness has the following meaning:

  1. exaggerated love for one’s own interests in spite of others.
  2. exclusivism that leads a person to refer to everything; pride, conceit.

How many times have we not been selfish in our lives? It is part of the human being sometimes, right? We cannot deny it.

However, we are living in a situation where there is no room for selfishness. The words of the time are empathy and collective conscience. Many of us have never experienced a crisis like this and are scared.

Those who are young are afraid of contracting the coronavirus and transmitting it to parents and grandparents. Those at risk are afraid of falling ill and the worst will happen. In the end, we are all in this boat together.

The COVID-19 pandemic has come to remind us not only of our fragility, but that if we don’t put the other in first place at this time, we will all lose out.

We need, more than ever, to put ourselves in the other’s place. The fear that a healthy 20-something person feels is very different from the fear that an elderly man may be experiencing now. And every time you make a decision to do something that could increase the contagion, you need to think about this man and everyone else in the risk group.

It may just be a cold for me, but what about my father? What about my friend’s grandmother? What about my brother who has diabetes?

After all, there is only one way to overcome everything that is happening: fighting together and thinking about others, as well as ourselves.

Make sure you are not alone

As much as social isolation affects mental health and makes people feel alone, abandoned and even rejected, it is necessary to work on the idea that this is a delicate moment that we all need to go through together.

During the coronavirus pandemic, try to cultivate positive thoughts. That’s because thoughts can be a major cause of your anxiety. Wake up, do a stretch, focus on your breathing and say thank you.

Throughout the day, don’t let yourself be attached to bad thoughts or mull over fear. Try to talk with family and friends to vent and expose how you feel. You are not alone, we are all together.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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