How to give feedback within companies? 9 super tips!

Feedback is a valuable tool within companies, as it has the power to recognize and motivate employees. Still, did you know that not all organizations still know how to give feedback? This means that they stop investing in periodic and consistent evaluation formats.

Many people confuse feedback with praise or criticism, however, it goes far beyond that. It is a time for performance analysis, recognition of achievements and assessment of strengths to be developed.

To be effective, it must be carried out seriously, otherwise it has no effect on the day to day and on the evolution of professionals.

If there are still doubts about the importance of feedback, know that according to a Harvard survey, this is one of the best ways to encourage the evolution of employee performance.

In this article, you can check out some important tips on how to give feedback, in addition to the importance and benefits of this tool in the daily life of a company.

How to give feedback? 9 tips to help in this process!

First of all, let’s explain in a very didactic way what feedback is so that there is no doubt about the concept.

Understand that feedback is an evaluation, that is, a process that a professional goes through to receive an analysis of his performance in the tasks he performs.

It is recommended that companies have formal moments of feedback, the so-called “performance evaluations”, however, there is nothing to prevent some informal feedbacks when necessary.

Basically, it is important to keep in mind that good feedback allows each professional to delve into their strengths and to develop from the view of others about their work.

It is, therefore, essential for professional development, especially with regard to the future. After all, good feedback today results in a person better prepared for their role later on.

Now, with regard to how to give feedback, it is important to note that the tool is often ineffective because companies do not train their managers properly for this moment.

Let’s check out some tips that can help in this situation, which, for some, can be quite uncomfortable at first, but that with time ends up becoming part of the routine.

  1. Prepare in advance

When you ask yourself how to give feedback, remember that the first rule is to prepare in advance.

A mistake that can ruin the process is not to make a prior analysis of the professional who will receive the assessment, that is, to be clear about their strengths and to develop.

In addition, feedback is also the time to talk about inappropriate behavior and mistakes that should not be repeated.

To arrive prepared, with a consistent and grounded speech, you need to stop a few hours of your day to do the necessary analysis and study how the message will be transmitted to the recipient.

No feedback on improvisation, because you will need to be ready to face possible objections that may occur during the conversation. The best way to do this is to study the arguments of each point to be discussed.

  1. Start by creating a favorable climate

Do not start the feedback conversation by speaking the person’s entire assessment straight away. Try to start the conversation by breaking the ice and introducing topics that are not necessarily related to the evaluation.

Chances are both are nervous, so this introduction on other topics can be a good strategy to relieve some tension.

  1. Make a summary of everything that will be spoken

Another useful tip when it comes to how to give feedback is to do a small initial briefing reinforcing all the points you will go through during the conversation. All of this before starting the assessment itself.

In addition to reducing anxiety , this technique helps to put everyone on the same page, aligning expectations.

  1. Don’t be aggressive when talking about weaknesses

It is important to be careful, especially when it is necessary to talk about the other’s weaknesses.

Each one can react in a different way, that is, it is necessary to be prepared to deal with the situation.

The most important thing in these hours is to be sincere and have a well-grounded narrative , through honest arguments. The best way to make others understand what they need to develop is to raise real examples that make them understand how they can improve.

Also, at no time be rude, as this will only lift spirits and make the person feel offended.

The language should always be clear, calm and subtle, emphasizing that it is normal to have something to improve and that everyone is ready to help in the development of the professional in question.

  1. Start by highlighting the strengths

A widely used technique is to start the conversation by highlighting the employee’s strengths.

This is the time to talk about the moments when the professional performed better than expected, what are his best skills and how it all contributed to the company.

By starting the feedback in this way, you will be creating a favorable environment to later talk about the points to develop without the person feeling that he has not had any recognition.

  1. Avoid comparison with colleagues

An important tip is to avoid making comparisons with other colleagues throughout the conversation, as this type of attitude can end up generating envy or a climate of competition.

It is recommended to evaluate each person only on the basis of their own performance and behavior, as this way there is no needless friction or accusations that the manager has “a favorite”.

  1. Use real examples

Whenever possible, try to use real examples to address both strengths and points to be developed.

This is important because, in this way, the professional has a clearer understanding of everything that is being discussed, as the conversation starts to be based on specific cases.

  1. Be empathetic

At these times it is very important to be empathetic , that is, to be able to put yourself in the other’s shoes.

Feedback is a moment that always ends up activating defense mechanisms for human beings, so as a manager you will need to be ready to put yourself in the other’s shoes and try to imagine what it is like to receive that message.

For this, it is necessary to have an active listening and be able to reflect on the points raised about the person receiving the feedback. The tip is not to hit immediately if there is too much resistance, but to show understanding and return to the subject at another time.

  1. Build an action plan together

Finally, it is worth mentioning that each company must have its own performance evaluation model, but it is always important to end with an action plan.

This means that there is no point in providing consistent and structured feedback if, in the end, nothing is done with the information gathered.

The action plan exists so that leaders and team members can, together, outline actions that aim to help the professional to better their points to develop and reinforce their strengths.

There are several models of action plans, but in all cases it is usually important to set goals and, of course, actions to achieve them.

What are the advantages of a feedback culture?

Learning how to give feedback is beneficial for the entire company, because when employees are recognized and are sure that the organization is concerned with everyone’s development, they feel more satisfied.

If your company does not yet implement a feedback culture, we will list some of the main advantages of this tool that cannot be left out of your radar.

  1. Increases levels of satisfaction and motivation

How bad it is to work in a place where you feel invisible, isn’t it? The feedback culture is one way to eliminate this feeling.

When establishing a periodic evaluation process, employees start to feel recognized in the company, as they understand that managers are concerned with the development of the team.

The recognition of strengths and achievements is a dose of motivation to keep growing and developing on a daily basis, after all, everyone likes to receive a compliment for something that has been done well.

On the other hand, unmotivated and underperforming employees often only need support and a closer look to raise productivity levels .

In addition, feedback is an opening moment , in which both sides can talk about how they feel and what they would like to see improved in the work environment. This can be very beneficial for those, for example, who are ashamed or afraid to expose themselves.

  1. Help with self-knowledge

Feedback is a learning tool about yourself, because when we listen to others’ perceptions of us, we stop to reflect on who we are and what we do.

In the workplace it is no different, but for the process of self-knowledge to happen you must be open to receive both criticism and praise. If the person is only in a defensive posture, he will hardly rethink his behaviors and failures.

Well-structured and consistent feedback is able to act as a great lesson in self – knowledge , so the best thing you can do is take advantage of it.

  1. Clarity of the development plan

Since all feedback must be followed by an action plan, another advantage of this tool is how it helps in the employees’ development plan.

By being clear about your strengths and weaknesses and what needs to be developed to reach your goals, you can outline more effective actions to be promoted, complete a project or hit a goal.

  1. Decrease turnover

When a feedback culture is properly implemented in a company, it becomes easier to detect when an employee is dissatisfied with the day-to-day work. Therefore, the trend is for turnover rates to decrease.

In addition, the feedback process itself has the benefit of increasing employee satisfaction and motivation, which is also beneficial for the well-being of everyone in that environment.

What is the role of companies in implementing the feedback culture?

Companies have a huge responsibility when it comes to implementing a culture and teaching their employees how to give feedback.

There are several actions that can be applied on a day-to-day basis and the most important thing is to really introduce periodic performance assessment into the employees’ routine.

There are, however, some specific actions that can help in this very important mission.

Let’s check it out?

  1. Provide general guidelines for employees

There is no point in having a formal feedback process in the company if employees do not understand how it works and what will be the step by step.

The first thing that the organization should do is give clear and honest guidance on how the feedback moments will take place and what is the role of each one.

In addition, it is super valid to also give some tips on how to give and receive feedback, instructing people on good practices and what to avoid.

  1. Provide training for leaders

Another point to be taken into account is the need for specific training for leaders , after all, nobody is born knowing how to give feedback, is it not?

In order for everyone to feel able to experience this moment, it is important that the leaders are informed, trained and can take possible doubts with those who understand the subject better (in this case, the Human Resources area).

All this preparation is essential so that feedbacks are structured with a basis and have consistency, that is, so that they are effective and useful.

  1. Providing therapy as a benefit

The process of giving and receiving feedback is not easy for many people, as it requires eye-to-eye interaction.

Interpersonal skills, empathy and being able to receive criticism – all these are essential to create an appropriate environment for the moment of feedback.

The good news is that all of this can be developed through therapy . That’s right! Therapy can help (and a lot) your employees at times as important as this.

Companies, in turn, have the possibility to offer therapy as a corporate benefit, contributing to employee development.

With the help of a specialized professional, employees can prepare for the moment of feedback and also work on any issues raised in the conversation.

So, did you like the tips on giving feedback? If your company wants to implement this culture, then count on Vittude Corporate , the partner that can help you offer therapy as a corporate benefit.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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