How to pretend to have self-confidence while trying to recover it

Trust is an attractive quality, but not natural to everyone. Pretending confidence is a way to win it almost without you noticing it, until it becomes something natural in you … in any area of ​​your life , from confidence to drive to meeting new people. If you don’t know how to do it, we tell you to make your life easier!

If you have confidence about yourself you can achieve your goals and have the life you’ve always dreamed of. After all, trust is half the battle. But, when you are shy and have a hard time feeling bad about yourself, it can be difficult to achieve certain things … The good news is that we have advice that will help you not only to look safer, but also to help you win it in the path.


First things first, you must take care of your body and your mind. Exercise and proper eating are not just a good figure after all. Nutritious food is essential because your body requires certain nutrients to be at their peak, while exercise is necessary for general physical and mental well-being .

When you take care of yourself through a healthy diet and regular exercise, it will make you feel better about yourself because you respect your body … and respect should always begin in one!

First things first, you must take care of your body and your mind

Dress for the job you dream of

This saying is perfect because when you dress for success , you feel much more inclined to aim for the stars. If you sit in sweatpants every day, even if it is more comfortable than anything else, it will make you feel slow and lazy. And, when you feel slow and lazy, you don’t feel safe.

Always look forward

When you are moving, your eyes should always look forward. It may seem difficult to do because looking down has become a habit, but when your eyes are high, you seem confident and aim higher than if you were hunched over and looking at the ground. This will radiate a sense of confidence that you may not feel at that time.

Always keep eye contact

No matter who you are talking to, it is important to maintain eye contact during the conversation. Looking down or away while talking to someone may give you the feeling that you are not sure of your words or, worse, that you are lying!

When you close your eyes in a conversation, this will make you appear confident in your words and more confident than you really are. If you find it difficult to maintain eye contact due to a shy personality, the best thing you can do is force yourself to do so. The more you do it, the easier it will be.

People with high self-esteem are not afraid to defend themselves or say what they think

Speak with confidence

A person with confidence always affirms a sense of self-confidence through his words. When you speak with a sense of self- confidence, you give the illusion that what you have to say is important. Do this until you think so too.

Become more assertive

People with high self-esteem are not afraid to defend themselves or say what they think. If you don’t like how something goes, talk. If you think something can be done in a better way, share your ideas. Do not be afraid to affirm yourself when necessary.

Accept criticism, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing

Not all negative comments will be constructive, and that’s fine. The important thing is to remember that if someone is trying to bring you down without a warrant, there is something wrong with them, not with you. When this happens, you should ignore it and not let the trust you have gained be reduced. Learn the difference between the two and act accordingly.

When criticism is constructive, take the advice and actively apply it. This will also increase your confidence because it will allow you to become a better version of your already amazing.

Remember to love you, because you are your best friend and your greatest support. In this way, you will be able to enjoy life more knowing that you are able to achieve … anything you set your mind to.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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