How to prepare a monthly sales plan

The sale as part of the business begins even before that moment of purchase materializes through a planning that synthesizes the steps of a specific time context. For example, it is possible to limit this calendar to a period of one month. How to write this strategy?


Target audiences

What is the customer profile to whom the items that are part of the product catalog are directed? There may be the possibility that the same trade offers solutions for different groups of people. The person in charge of carrying out this script must specify this answer, deepening around the very essence of the project. This is a very necessary first step to position a good in the right place.

Value proposal

This monthly sales plan is launched on a map conditioned by the competition of other proposals visible in that niche market. In order to have more prominence in this commercial reality, each company must identify that characteristic that differentiates it and wishes to reveal it to the client.

In this circumstance, identify what that unique property is and what is the way to make it observable before the audience.



Monthly target

Through work in the fulfillment of this planned script you can visualize a realistic achievement that will be a new corporate sum at the end of the four-week period. The reflection on this data expressed in a quantitative way is very important to be able to evaluate once the established margin has elapsed if the purpose was completely completed or, on the contrary, some aspect remained pending. This horizon should be contextualized in the temporary variable of the annual calendar since there are cycles that are part of the high season of the business while other spaces are more vulnerable.

The objective nature of a purpose not only refers to time, but also to the diagnosis of the current business situation, since this purpose must be aligned with this condition. For example, the volume of work must be assumed by the team members that are part of this sales plan. Otherwise, it is essential to find a solution.

This planning should answer questions that go beyond the target audience. For example, it is convenient to specify sales channels and areas.

After Sales Service

The contemplation of this scheme does not end at the same moment in which the customer makes an order but it is possible to go beyond that sequence to prolong the attention with an after-sales service. This quest for excellence generates a double benefit. First of all, it is a successful channel to reach new people who buy for the first time. But it is also a philosophy of attention that helps build a close relationship with those who become regular buyers. This after-sales service shows that a company can cause an excellent image of itself beyond that first impression it produces in the initial phase in the interlocutor.


by Abdullah Sam
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