The possibilities and advantages of launching press releases in summer

We have been a few years in which summer does not mean break. Companies are still active in July and August and vacation shifts are the trend that is most established in the trends. This year, after confinement, an even more active summer is expected. This summer activity is also reflected in the media .

The months of July and August have become the great opportunity for smaller companies and lesser-known brands to carve out a niche for themselves in the big headlines of newspapers and magazines . This is because there are certain sectors that continue to be paralyzed during the summer season, for example, politics and major economic issues.

This lack of topicality and not being able to contact the largest companies makes journalists focus on other issues and projects. Thus , small companies, entrepreneurs who are starting out, startups or new projects find a gap to appear in very powerful media nationwide.


How do we get to the journalist?

Although on vacation, companies should continue developing their communication plan and releasing press releases. Launching a Press kit is the ideal excuse to contact journalists in the summer and try to get impossible publications. The press release is just a cover letter to make more concrete proposals for interviews and reports .

Also, there are sectors in which releasing press releases in July and August is essential. For example, all companies involved in ‘back to school’ or return to work. For these information to be published the first week of September, our press release should be released the second or third week of August. Something similar occurs with companies that offer leisure services, free time, tourism, beach, friendship, personal care, even improvements for companies. All of their activities take place much more in the summer, so July and August is their time to go to the media and get publications.


Read also: Summer press releases are just as effective


The key to any business information or press release is to select the right content for the moment as well as make concrete proposals to the media and speak to those journalists who are active. If the company has a good strategy and chooses the appropriate content for the summer, it will achieve great results.

Also, in summer and holidays, most of us have more time to read newspapers and magazines, watch the entire programs and listen to the radio. While we are more headline readers on a day-to-day basis, it is during the holidays when we can really spend time reading the reports and news in depth.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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