Pollution of the Seas and Oceans

All About Marine Pollution

Currently, human beings are impacting marine resources such as the seas, oceans, ports, coasts, among other maritime areas with different unsustainable activities  and, above all, affecting the diversity of aquatic species that make life in these ecosystems.

Therefore , we will explain what the pollution of the Seas and Oceans is; its main causes, consequences and solutions for the conservation of the marine resources of the planet.

What is Pollution of the Seas and Oceans?

It is that pollution directly and indirectly by various human activities on aquatic resources , such as seas and oceans that represent a natural potential to meet basic needs.

What are the Pollution Characteristics of the Seas and Oceans?

  • It is the result of environmental pollution of air, water and soil
  • Marine or aquatic resources cover 97% of the water on planet earth
  • They are the habitat of millions of plant species, animals, bacteria and microorganisms
  • Marine resources have become human landfills
  • More than 80% of this pollution comes from the earth
  • This contamination in some cases is from non-point sources.
  • It becomes a concern from 1950 and in 1960 the first actions are initiated before the dumping of radioactive waste and other materials on the coasts.

What are the Causes of Pollution of the Seas and Oceans?

Unsustainable economic, industrial and technological development, pollution by chemical substances, sewage, mining, ships, radioactive waste, pesticides, hazardous or toxic wastes, plastics and microplastics, detergents, hydrocarbons, fuel spills, urban sewerage discharges, industrial, commercial, agricultural and residential waste

On the other hand, chemicals , particles, sonic pollution or excessive noise, phantom networks, propagation of invading organisms, runoff due to rain, discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere, direct discharge of waste into the oceans, among other natural factors and of human activity

What are the Consequences of Pollution of the Seas and Oceans?

Destruction and loss of biodiversity , destruction of the environment , eutrophication , accumulation of large masses or islands of plastics , decrease in oxygen , acidification of water , contaminated food , effect on the food chain , impact on fishing and tourism , imbalances in the nature , reduction of physical well-being and quality of life , among other effects on the environment, natural resources and human health

What are the Pollution Solutions of the Seas and Oceans?

Mainly education, sensitivity and awareness of the conservation of marine resources, such as reducing the ecological footprint and emissions of polluting gases.

Read also: Water Pollution, Causes, Consequences and Solutions )

Subsequently, do not litter, less plastic consumption, conservation of the air, water and soil resources. In addition to betting on biodegradable products, responsible consumption, recycling, environmental sanitation, sustainable purchases, taking care of beaches and seas.

Also, join and support environmental organizations, responsible or ecological life, participate in the World Day of the Seas. Also control over industries that violates the law, comply with international agreements and conventions on environmental matters, among many other sustainability measures and individual actions.

In conclusion, the pollution of the seas and oceans: is one that starts from the coast and ends in the open sea by substances, materials and quantities of pollutants, which destroy the biodiversity of these natural ecosystems of great value for a balance in the planet.

Pollution of the Seas and Oceans: alteration by waste, substances and physicochemical elements, which destroy the natural quality of aquatic or marine resources.

by Abdullah Sam
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