Thermal Pollution

All About Thermal Pollution

We will address a type of pollution that is not well known to the world population, but is also very important for its great impact and its relationship with global warming or climate change.  

In this sense , we explain what thermal pollution is; Its main characteristics, causes, consequences and solutions to prevent or reduce the effects it produces in society.

What is Thermal Pollution?

It is that pollution that is due to the rise and fall of the temperature on a medium and having a major impact on air, water, soil, flora and fauna.

In itself, it is the increase or decrease of the normal temperature level of the planet and is manifested mainly on aquatic ecosystems.

What are the characteristics of thermal pollution?

  • Type of pollution little known, but immersed in society
  • Thermal pollution, impact of heat on the environment, water and air.
  • Water is its main element to store heat
  • Its causes are natural and anthropogenic
  • The consequences are general
  • Examples such as air conditioning equipment, dumping of steel plants, indiscriminate logging and other industrial activities

What are the Causes of Thermal Pollution?

Thermoelectric plants , power plants and natural gas , the erosion of the soil , emissions and greenhouse gases , removing trees and plants near water resources , pouring cold and warm water in rivers, lakes or seas , the combustion engine power , hot water runoff , fluorescent and incandescent lamp energy , cooling systems , solar rays, industrial water discharge , geothermal activity , volcanoes andglobal warming

What are the consequences of thermal pollution?

Loss of oxygen in the water , loss of natural water and air quality , environmental imbalance, effects on aquatic ecosystems and animals , pathogens , effect on health and well-being or quality of human life , species migration and loss of biodiversity , increase of toxins ,  intensification of the greenhouse effect, global warming , natural disasters and many other impacts

What are the Thermal Pollution Solutions?

Environmental education programs , not to burn fossil fuels , consume less energy , sustainable technology , reforestation plans , cooling stations , natural warming , reduction of waste heat , artificial lakes , recycling and reuse of industrial hot water , sources of alternative energies , compliance with legislation and environmental management , good environmental and ecological practices , control nuclear plants ,efficiency in industrial plants , limitation of the amount of hot springs , among other measures of conservation of natural resources and protected areas

In conclusion, it is that pollution that alters or modifies the temperature of an environment or especially the destruction of natural resources such as water and air.

This pollution is caused both by the rise and fall of the temperature of an environment in a shocking way.

The effects of this alteration on the ambient temperature are mainly, on the environment, biodiversity, natural resources, the quality of human life and on the planet.

Definitely, control over nuclear plants and industries that do not comply with environmental legislation is important. Likewise, refrigeration activities and take sustainable measures to benefit the surrounding environment.

Thermal Pollution: when the temperature or quality of water and air is adversely affected.


by Abdullah Sam
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