Acoustic Pollution

Acoustic, Sound or Hearing Pollution

We will explain everything related to one of the problems and types of environmental pollution , which due to its impact disturbs the tranquility, peace and quality of life of societies.

So, we invite you to know what noise pollution is, its main causes, consequences and solutions, to prevent or reduce this alarming alteration in the environment.

What is Acoustic or Sound Pollution

It is that alteration product of any excessive sound or vibration, which produces a disturbance or discomfort in a given environment, causing the harmony, peace, hearing health and quality of life of every living being to be lost.

What are the Causes of Acoustic or Sound Pollution?

The main factors that give rise to this type of pollution in the environment are: Anthropogenic human and supernatural activities, transport and traffic. Also the sound of traffic lights, loud music, industries and factories. In addition the airplanes, boats, public works, construction of buildings, shouts of the passers-by and the alarms.

Sound pollution is also presented by fireworks, radio receivers, phonographs and any other instrument. Among many other sources.

What are the consequences of acoustic or sound pollution?

The main effects produced by this type of contamination are the impact on hearing, disorders, psychopathological, neurological, psychological and physiological. It also produces fatigue, stress, depression, insomnia and irritability.

In addition to deafness, impact on pregnancy, behavior, memory and attention. It also has an impact on children, on biodiversity, causing changes in their normal behaviors. Among many other effects.

What are the Acoustic or Sound Pollution Solutions?

The main measures, alternatives and actions to prevent or reduce this type of contamination are:

  • Public awareness and education
  • Prevent, reduce or eliminate the sources of such noise
  • Check the disturbance in the finished environment
  • Exercise measures in the environment to immediately reduce these sounds
  • Housing Insulation
  • Elaboration of an acoustic map
  • Sustainable technology
  • Earplugs
  • Absorbent materials
  • Acoustic barriers
  • Metal panels
  • Acoustic barriers
  • Soundproof booths
  • Tree plantation
  • Placing and listening to music without
  • Restrictions on all activities that exceed the limit of 65 decibels
  • Assume and exercise individual actions
  • Respect and comply with environmental regulations
  • Among many other measures that go from living together and human relationship

In conclusion, acoustic or sonic contamination is that direct or immediate alteration, which does not accumulate and much less moves. But the excess noise especially impacts on a specific environment, biodiversity and the quality of life of all people.

Among its main features are that it originates, both by human and natural factors, over a specific area of ​​society. Its intensity is greater in the cities and at night. In addition, its main pollutant is noise, consumes little energy, does not emit waste, is cheap, feels through the ear and vibrations in the body.

Likewise, its main consequences are on the auditory, mental and physical health of people and living beings. And about the normal conditions in which they live with their socio-environmental environment.

Finally, the main solutions include preventive measures to avoid their causes. And the healing, to counteract the effects it produces on life on planet earth.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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